There would be no more tunnels with cut-out windows that he made from Quaker Oats’ cardboard boxes,...
Dad asked me to buy some sugar from Mrs. A, friends of ours who lived in a large house near the Cathay...
The ‘post’ at the ‘The Heath’ became a second home for Dad, Ray and Bert, for after...
We lived in Eltham in south-east London and as it was considered a high risk area if the Germans started...
For over a decade I had lived in this atmosphere of relentless and backbreaking work, had watched the...
Fortunately there was a place on offer at a factory in Darley Dale operated by ‘Bakelite’ And...
They must have been pretty uninviting places for adults but we children thought it was fun when we stayed...
It seemed clear that Germany wanted Poland to guard them from Russia so they could concentrate on invading...
A good many boys left at or soon after the beginning of the war as their families moved away to places seen...
There'll be blue-birds over the white cliffs of Dover’, ‘Roll out the Barrel’ and...
Uncle's answer was Gosling's Bank at 19 Fleet Street, London EC4. My first recollection of this...
Winston Churchill, although at the time holding no government appointment, followed closely the rise of...
My Uncle Willie Cooley who lived in the men's hostel in Charlotte Street always ignored us and told my...
Belgium had capitulated at the first sign of German troops, Holland had been bombed into submission by the...
And my poor Aunt struggling along on her ancient bike complete with basket on the front and a box at the...
With my father, I attended an interview at the Ovaltine Dairy Farm, Abbots Langley, Herts... In 1943 I was...
I was to stay at Station road and the home of Uncle Freds cousin and his wife, Mr and Mrs Rixon and...
On 23 September we read in the newspaper that anybody able to pay the fare could leave the Dutch East...