For us, Rita and Linda, most summers were an opportunity for a visit to Trefor continuing as teenagers and...
My parents returned to Ewell, leaving me with their friends in Bognor in case bombing started immediately...
So when they could see there were no German Nazi connections with me, then the British Government allowed a...
The unsynchronised throbbing of the German bombers engines. As she passes the cups and saucers and prepares...
My eldest brother was a pioneer trooper in the Army, my other brother, who worked in the shipyards, was a...
Bringing me back home from school one day during that summer, mother and I were machine gunned by a ME110...
However, my friends started to leave for home as the bombing of London hadn't materialised... Furniture...
Trained as a nurse - R.S.C.N. registered as a Sick Children's Nurse. She was furious, referring to me...
Until June 17th 1944, Mum, dad and I lived at 41 Clivendon Road, Wimbledon... Mum was not happy about it...
We arrived early afternoon at Bangor in north Wales and immediately telephoned our parents to let them know...
'My first distinct memory of the war was when I was a little girl I had to go to the dentist and...
When war was declared our family was on holiday in North Wales, so my sister and I joined our school in...
The main difference between Witney and Ashford at that time was that Witney was a much smaller town and...
Here are some wartime stories passed down to me by my late mother Rachel Elise Green, father Albert John...
In 1996, as a grandchild of ex POW's, I was invited to join the Pacific Venture on a trip to Japan to...
After that we, we slept at the tube under ground station on lidos or bits of blanket or narrow bits of wood...
Wartime in West Felton, a Shropshire village...
The only bombs we had in Rotherham were during the holiday period late on in the war, about 1944... The...
My mother did come, bringing my blind brother with her and she took a cottage nearby... We explained to my...
I used to have a big tin of shrapnel and I was quite annoyed many years later when my dad was sorting...
Seeing incoming prisoners of war鈥e were having our lectures in various places within Chichester town...