Of course, after a time, my Granddad decided that Adolf should become the main course on the following...
The basements became air raid shelters and we practised marching down in orderly fashion with the...
My schooling took place in half days. . My hosts were wealthy. He was a keen photographer and took albums...
In 1944, Toulouse, previously a free zone, was occupied by the German army and as we lived in the proximity...
Mum was a housewife and Dad worked at Woolley Colliery on permanent nights. We had a cinema at the end of...
At lunchtime my elder brother Trev, who went to Enfield Grammar School, came home for his lunch and we were...
Lived in quarters in Richmond, N. Yorks until winter of 1933/34 when we sailed in troopship to India - 3...
Their house had a big field, a pond and woods behind it and Alan recently reminded me of falling in the...
I didn't answer the door at night during the War so Reverend Storer went... Reverend Storer agreed and...
Her concern for their safety she hid with a quiet resignation, that is until a War Office telegram informed...
At the beginning of the Second World War, I was living with my parents in the Norfolk village of Brundall,...
A."Not family but a lot of church and school friends" Extra: "Kilmun Street was behind my...
I was born in Luton on 3rd February 1945 one of twins, unfortunately a Doodle bug landed near Ashcroft Road...
Born in February some 10 miles from Manchester, my WW2 experiences are necessarily few but very vivid,...
A group of Evacuees, with their teachers, were due to arrive at the village school at about 4.00pm... Both...
There the school was split into two and my brother and I were then sent on to a place called Whitley Wood...
As I was a young child my memories nearly all centre on happenings around my home in the town of...
In late October that year, my younger sister and I just missed being at home when our house was bombed....
In 1940 I was 11 years old and I was evacuated with my school from Leytonstone, London to Tiverton. At the...
On Easter Sunday , after a raid on Liverpool a Heinkel 111 crashed above Aber. I think two crew memebers...
It is war time and my great granda was a soldier, there were no sweets or fruit and food was only available...
One of the other pupils was David Shepherd who was artistic even then In 1943 I went to Bedford School as a...