I turned round- and it was my Mum and Dad! When I woke up, I was in a big double bed. The...
I always remember asking my mum 芦 what's a war, mum ? 禄 and she said 芦 You'll soon...
With Liverpool behind us we set sail for 'who knows where'; it was a big secret which would...
A young couple from Blackpool called Robinson, with no children of their own, took us in and we stayed at...
It was a great strain driving at night as their were no streetlights and vehicles had only a tiny cross of...
The first place I remember when the bombs started dropping was down the crypt at All Saints Church in...
After the war I learned that the German Ministry Of Propaganda had even suggested that the sound...
Mrs Guy's eldest son made catapults for Mick and I and showed us how to use them,but not what to aim...
I came home and told mum that the teacher said I could go and play in the grass with the lambs, mum...
* I lived in Bristol and recall my parents taking my brother and myself up onto Bedminster Down to watch...
Of all the evacuees in Ebbw Vale, none attracted more blatant attention than the family who came to us from...
I remember being taken everywhere by my grandma in a push chair even to the age when I was around 5 and...
My brother Raymond worked as part of a bomb disposal squad, a brave team who defused more than 30 bombs....
I remember sitting out a number of raids there, one in particular sticks in my memory when there were...
I was taken with a few other children to the big manor house in Wadden. When I found some left over food...
Sometimes we had lovely fresh lardy cake when Uncle George was able to bring some home from the bakery...
I can remember him saying that the Germans always tried to bomb the docks, but did not succeed because...
As our home was in Croydon, South London, my parents considered it to dangerous for me and my two elder...
In 1976 I was working as a teacher in Sussex and the head of the establishment was an ex nun who we...
Mum worked as a machinist during the day, whilst Dad was away, and worked nights at the Kardamah Cafe in...
The next thing I remember was being pushed out of the doorway by mother and pulled across a blazing heap of...
I got into the garden and came face to face with a German....