At Devizes, on a hot summer afternoon, my sister and her party must have been deposited in Devizes, while...
Some 300 yards from the cottage was the Forest of Bere, a vast woodland, and situated in the wood and very...
He fought in France, North Africa, Italy and the Far East, Singapore, Malaya, Rangoon, Bombay. In Burma he...
A Butterfly bomb had dropped into Grandads back yard and blown the rear of the house off ! Pop = Lemonade...
My earliest childhood memories are of being woken by my mother in the middle of the night, bundled into my...
I was given rides round the town in a Jeep and, most amazingly, large tins of tinned fruit... Some vehicles...
Tunbridge Wells did not survive the war unscathed, with notorious bombs dropping on Woolworth's and up...
I lived in Stratford, London and ended up going to Stanway near Colchester, to Wales and to Yorkshire. I...
We went by coach to London Terminus, Waterloo Station, and went by train to Bridgewater, Somerset, and then...
What took us to Haynes? I believe it was on the recommendation of the DeBell family, acquaintances of...
Olive lived in Cape Town, and was only twelve when the war started... The Naval base, which still exists,...
Food was very short and we had, so often, to rely on the Merchant Navy bringing food from abroad and facing...
At first, our Aunt made us bags for our clothes, and with labels on our clothes, gas masks and bags, were...
The room was at the top of the house, my mum said she had to struggle, heavily pregnant and towing my...
We marched from the school to Streatham Common Station and boarded the train but it wasn't until we...
We local boys knew that the Army occupied The Grange and just up the road was Bushfield Camp,swarming with...
In a short time, we three girls were attending St. Katherine's school near Taunton: I as a boarder, and...
My father, who had a small-holding used to raise a few chickens, turkeys etc, to kill for Christmas... My...
My next vivid memory must date to the autumn after VE-Day when my Aunt Grace, my father's youngest...
Towards the end of the war when the americans had left, they were replaced by German prisoners who roamed...
My eldest brother, who was a pupil at Battersea Grammar School was sent to Worthing. When my eldest brother...
A friend of my Aunt had been traumatised by being buried when a bomb which dropped on the under-ground, so...