All doubts about who they were disappeared as they moved towards door but before they could reach it, the...
As a girl I had a choice of factory work, joining the land army girls or the forces. Jacks brother who was...
Mum gave Dad a last minute message, to get Gran and my Uncle George to leave their home in Clapham and use...
Dad, in the Specials, had to leave us and go home early, and Ken went with him as his schooling was...
Most of the shrapnel was steel fragments from anti-aircraft shells but there were all sorts of bits of...
I seem to remember the lack of butter and margarine most of all and I recall, when on one occasion having...
Meanwhile, my sister Doris, a voluntary St. John's nurse, had joined the Ambulance Brigade, and in the...
In that winter Mother dressed me in knee-high black, leather lace-up boots,, an itchy woollen vest,, long...
We all helped each other to cope in the best way we could and when our war with Europe was won in...
I lived in Hull, in East Yorkshire, with my mother and father at 24 Claremont Avenue. By the time mother...
But I do remember what happened next, the teacher called out my name ‘Teddy Parsons’ this is...
The constant air raids on both Birmingham and Coventry and the search by the Luftwaffe for the largest...
The bullring was a very special place with a special atmosphere of its own which was lost for ever, out...
One of our friends from Dumfries, Tom, was now in the RAF and stationed nearby so when my godfather's...
One Saturday Roy Crossley and I went to Aberystwyth, with Mr Lloyd in the pony and trap, as we both had to...
The vast areas of flat land in the Vale of Mowbray became the location and development of major airfields...
This was four miles away along the busy A.30 road and my mother or father would take me by car, a Morris...
Rene and John used to go to dinner at the Strand Palace Hotel in London and dancing at Rainbow Corner in...
Drake & Warters, part-owned by Mrs Cresswell's father had men working in Sheffield, and they told...
Closing it up and going back to Mum and Dad December 11th Went to Exeter to Recruiting Office at 9 am with...