Then, of course, there was the "BLACKOUT". The windows were criss-crossed with strips of adhesive...
The chemist shops sold 'stocking lotion' which was rubbed on the legs to resemble stockings... When...
I remember Mrs Biss helping us to make dolls’ houses out of cardboard margarine boxes and furniture...
Liquid stocking became an essential as silk stockings were very rare. This was a form of make-up that women...
When the war started I lived in a house on Factory Road with my Mum and Dad, my brothers Gordon, Peter and...
* Dolly pegs, with wooden peg bodies, pipe-cleaner arms, painted faces and tiny clothes in which to dress...
I tipped each loaf out of the tins wearing thick gloves I then stacked tins and bread ready to cool so that...
We lived in a terrace house in a suburb of Newcastle upon Tyne with shops at the end of the road, a...
Morrison shelter; Cleethorpes pier on fire; oranges, bananas, eggs and sweets. The back pantry was...
These memories were gathered by Elaine Taylor at the Tullie House 60th WWII Anniversary Events in Carlisle....
I was six at the beginning of the war, and fruit and sweets were very very short, you never saw them, all...
I was born in Church Street, Dunstable and attended Ashton School. Gran used to go to the butchers in...
I enjoyed it very much for going into Liverpool on the train was a novelty... The great sadness was hearing...
At one time I recall the egg ration was one per fortnight for every adult -- we were fortunate because my...
I used to go to the children matinee at the local cinema, and next to the cinema was a fruit shop, and...
Orange juice and cod liver oil was given to all the children you had to collect it from the food office....
TO COOK MORE CHEAPLY Use a high-pressure or waterless cooker, in a fireless cooker, or in a three-tiered...
For years after the war we had tinned food, which had been tinned before the war. There was no sell by date...
When a Shopper Purchased their ration of food, the shopkeeper cut the coupons out of their ration book to...
Like sugar, and I can remember orange peel, Raisins, sultanas and in fact anything that was on this list......
The week in Devon with butter, cream, meat etc., no air raid sirens, was bliss and I didn't want to...
We lived in Newcastle upon Tyne with shops at the end of the road, a grocers and other shops which included...