At the outbreak of WWII, I was working in Early's blanket factory, Witney, Oxford, makers of the famous...
My parents had themselves been evacuated to Shrewsbury, and in August 1942 the local Agricultural Office...
I was the only Land Army girl at the farm working with the husband and wife team... I was then sent to...
Three land girls worked there, Big Betty and Little Betty and myself. Mr Willis, Attleboro Farm, Water...
After I left, I was sent to Major Hibbets Poultry Farm, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. After a few months, I had...
I was helping in the fields to start with, then, when the girl who worked in the yard milking the cows and...
I joined the W.L.A. in 1941 and on November 5th I joined 39 other girls at Nottingham Victoria Station, a...
Irene Tipton: In the Land Army. One of my friends persuaded me to go into the Land Army, so I joined and...
We were employed by Sir Roland Hodge in Surrey for a period on his farm and with his great kindness invited...
I volunteered for the Land Army in 1941 and served for 4 years... When the war came to the end I chose...
The war began and I had never been away from home so when I joined the Land Army on the dairy farming...
In 1939 all the work was done with teams of horses 2 horses on a single plough 鈥 3 horses ploughing...
I had never heard of Newark let alone Collingham and I couldn't ride a bike. The first three days of my...
The working party consisted of us two land girls and two Italian prisoners of war. Land army life had a...
After training I returned to Northumberland, my home area and for the rest of my time I lived in a caravan...
Next door to the hostel was the Village Hall where we used to have dances... We used to have a very strict...
It was quite heavy work so some of the girls went to the recruitment centre in Stamfordham hostel for...
I liked being out in the fresh air and gardening so when a woman came to our house asking my sister and...
Next door to the hostel was the village Hall where we used to have dances... We used to have a very strict...
I was sent to their farm to help with the afternoon milking with another land girl who lived there. On the...
Brave LAND Girls....