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15 October 2014
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Archive List > British Army

Stories categorised in 'British Army'. These stories may contain references to other themes.

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Characters at Waricon for Recommended story

On a day of "rest", Paddy was sitting on top of the turret of his Churchill Tank cleaning his...

A Tinkle on the Line.icon for Recommended story

By Kenneth West The winter of 1944-45 in Holland is still known as the "Hard Winter" and we of the...

Exploring Algeria, 1943 (2) - Tipasaicon for Recommended storyicon for Story with photo

The first had enabled me to visit the so-called' Tombeau de la Chretienne' a first-century stone,...

Initiation: Western Deserticon for Recommended story

Tide of war turns Near Wadi Faregh the tide turned and I had my first 'blooding'. G Troop was in...

Where Are Your Gaiters?icon for Recommended story

On Sunday June 16th 1940, the rest of the unit departed for England, leaving 20 of us to run a signal...

Dunkirk: My Father's Story of WW2 Service in the Royal Engineersicon for Recommended story

Mam was in the Land Army and Dad was a soldier. That is my Dad's story, at least what I remember of...

V1 on Greenfordicon for Recommended story

Date -- 1945 Feb/March Impact point -- Building 416 at north end of present-day Derby Road, Greenford,...

Life on the Guns! dictated by Vee Robinsonicon for Recommended story

By 1941 there was a severe shortage of men for home defence and this lack of manpower meant that girls were...

Liberation 1944 (D-Day): The Great Adventure icon for Recommended story

An impromptu football kick-about quickly started, in the course of which, a large Irish gunner named...

Kohima 60 Years Agoicon for Recommended storyicon for Story with photo

Kohima is a field service depot, with stores, bakery, tennis courts, hospital and the district...

My Fianc茅e Saved my Life at Falaiseicon for Recommended story

She had a friend named Rochelle, who mentioned that she had a cousin, Alie Colman, who was serving in the...

The Dam Busters - Precautions Against German Reprisal Attack.icon for Recommended story

We were stationed in North Wales and the equipment consisted of light A.A. Guns - Bofors, and 150cm...

'The Will to Live': A Forewordicon for Recommended storyicon for Story with photo

We later moved Sedburg, climbing mountains with half hundredweight on our back, practising mountain...

THE PROUDEST MOMENT OF MY LIFEicon for Recommended story

At Cloushall in the Hertzberg Mountains we lived in barracks where Hitler Youth were trained. Just outside...

Keeping Clean on Active Serviceicon for Recommended storyicon for Story with photo

The funniest story about keeping clean in the field has got to be the one that concerns my good friend...

Aftermath of War: Berlin 1946 by David Belfieldicon for Recommended story

Berlin was divided, like Germany, and in 1948 the Russians imposed the Berlin Blockade, sealing off all...

Fire Orders Chapter 1 : Death in Normandyicon for Recommended story

The younger man, a private, appeared to be no more than a teenager and he, too, wore his anti-gas armband...

A PRE-DEMOB ARMY SCHOOLicon for Recommended story

We offered English, Maths, History and Geography, as well as Modern Languages, Economics and Philosophy. I...

Newlyweds in a Garrison Town: Alfreton, Derbyshireicon for Recommended story

He asked quietly if he could walk me home but I told him no, I was walking home with my friend, so...

Tommy's Waricon for Recommended story

Tommy Wadsworth served with the RAF and was captured by the Japanese. In one camp I was pounced on by one...

The Black Bull - Normandy 1944icon for Recommended story

I was tank commander with my binoculars surveying the countryside when in a cornfield too far away for the...

Behind The Japanese Lines In Burmaicon for Recommended storyicon for Story with photo

We then proceeded through Burma, and set up our radio station at Indangyi, which was in contact with the...

'I'm Jolly Glad I Came' and Other Storiesicon for Recommended story

'The master of the household has received her majesties command to invite Mr Donald King to a luncheon...

Getting your Army Recordsicon for Recommended storyicon for Story with photo

Originally I used tiny diaries to record my life in the army, but I graduated over the years and I now...

Episodes from an Uncertain Memory (Part 1): 'What did you do in the war Daddy?'icon for Recommended storyicon for Story with photo

At the outbreak of war, my wife and daughter evacuated themselves back to my wife's home in...

Life in a Prisoner of War Camp."MONEY"icon for Recommended story

There were a few wealthy men in the Camps - these were the cigarette "Barons". Men who accumulated...

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