The capture of Hideous, Longstop and Tanngouche had smashed the enemy's final main line of defence...
German forces invaded Poland on the 1st of September 1939, which led to declaration of war by Britain and...
The young officer in charge looked pale and distraught and rather surprised to see Diana and Carol... Back...
When Sgt Yerwa was looking unhappy one morning and confided in me "One wife fine fine sah, two wife be...
Bridges were blown up by the Dutch to delay the oncoming Germans, but there was no stopping them. They...
Before he left on 21st March for a Transit Camp near Port Said with his Batman and a Lance Corporal he had...
When I got there, there were two boats down on the water so down I went to find that one of the...
Now we were confronting an Italian army bolstered by the arrival of a German Afrika Corps commanded by...
The devils in the Army had given us brand new Raleigh bikes to cycle after the German parachutes —...
Had the Japanese been victorious they'd have been through to India and would have linked up with the...
We saw the stone set up in the floor where people were executed for apparently this was more than mere...
We went across France to Toulon then boarded the troop ship 'Clanlamont' to cross the Mediterranean...
Wuweiwas at the bottom of the 'pan-shape' of Kansu province, on the old silk road to Russia...
Winter in Belgium was not an unpleasant experience, although we did get moved about a bit when the Germans...
The Colonel found out that I played tennis and I was ordered by the Regimental Sergeant Major to report...
The Division moved north and 5 Recce was ordered to Wilmslow in Cheshire. 5 Recce incidentally went with...
Memories of an Artillery Gunner Part Three - From Coastal Battery to India...
Japanese officers’ swords were in great demand... The battalion had a ‘loot’ trailer on...
We saw a seller selling newspapers and bought one, and saw that the Armistice had been signed between the...
Command decided that the Chetniks were too near the Yugoslav border and they were to be moved down to Eboli...
During the summer His Majesty King George VI came to Italy to visit the troops and I was present at a...
Italy and Greece- Arrival in Italy and joining the Battle of Monte Cassino StanEllis8....