The Parade was handed over to him; first he blasted the new Officers and marched them up and down as if he...
Like many men who served in World War II my Dad Jack Longworth was always loathe to talk about his wartime...
The job of the Beach Group was to organise and cope with the landing of an assault force....
The powers that be in their wisdom decided to choose the REAL Scotsmen for the Scots Guards, that is, the...
Whilst the Siamese had joined the Japanese in declaring war on Britain they had not declared war on the...
I don't know why I – a Londoner - was sent to join a Scots regiment, no explanations were given!...
Everybody was on edge half expecting the German's to come dropping out of the sky, the tents were in...
Fred Hirst's Part 2 Serving with the Sherwood Foresters in Tunisia 1943 and Capture by the Germans. As...
We all took a beating at Coriano and the 25th Tanks with 5th Cdn Div plus the 46th — 56th and 4th...
Next morning we were taken on transport with the infantry down to Tilbury Docks, boarded the landing craft...
He finally reached Warsaw after tramping over 300 miles in 13 days, including a hairaising scramble under a...
In May 1944 Grandad went to Brighton and was stationed at Preston Park which was turned into a tank park....
Soon we were given our tasks and I found myself on the Rearguard party, to load all of the regimental...
After my first session that's how I saw it, beautiful graceful palm trees waving in the cool breeze off...
After completing his grades at secondary school in 1941, he enlisted for army service in Blairgowrie,...
Three of the most prominent, The Ilfracombe, The Imperial and The Dulkusha were used as Pay Offices, and...
In 1943 I was in a small village called Castel del Rio north of Rome. One night in Castel del Rio I...
We were then ordered to destroy any equipment that might be useful to the Germans, guns, wireless sets, and...
Amongst the fresh influx of prisoners were a number of aircrews from both America and Britain... The...
Unable to return to Belgium they were doing great work transporting troops and some civillians between the...
Soon we were given our tasks and I found myself on the Rearguard party, to load all of the regimental...
After two years in England it was found that I had a hearing problem and so I left the Royal Warwicks and...