August ’44 — May ‘45 In action with EIGHTH army - Major actions GOTHIC line, SAVIGNANO,...
Jerry was trying to shell us, but the good old Navy was there; it was lovely to see them shelling Jerry...
The Officers in charge took the initiative by detailing two senior NCOs and about twenty other ranks,...
Orders came and the landings commenced into France and as he called it 'chasing Jerry'. Arriving at...
It sticks in my mind particularly as I was told this German soldier was a huge, blonde typical Aryan...
My father came home from time to time with fresh cockles from a rocket range, or fresh trout from some...
We were supplied by a Naafi in a field with all the goods a Naafi sells the company marching sound to each...
After arriving in France, Grampa travelled, in a Churchill Tank, through France, Belgium, Holland and...
When the Germans found John was an engineer they put him into a factory with men from all different...
The next morning i told my kind hosts i must rejoin my regiment but they said 'no, no' explaining...
He was very impressed and then said that King George Vl was due to arrive at any moment for an inspection...
Dunkirk Top Brass arrived with an onterage of a radio engineer from Mullards and all the brains that could...
When the various courses were over waiters stood at each end of the table, grasped the ends of the table...
Dusk Bombing Raids On July 16th the enemy began a series of dusk bombing raids and we spent an electrifying...
Whoever had done had left a pole resting on some trestles the length of the trench they had dug, and that...
I frantically searched that area of sky above but could see nothing just wisps of mist and low lying...
Whilst there, Dunkirk happened and I was made up from from an A2 person, A1 person, and drafted to...
Whilst in Italy he was involved in the Battle of Monte Cassino, the mountain with the monastery of St...
All of them commandeering the trams and singing and dancing up and down the length of Hope Street ,singing...
He was declared 'unfit for active service' and posted to 18th division, Reconnaissance...
My Grandad landed at Arromanches in France 2 days after the D-Day landings, on his 19th birthday. In...
It was our first tour of duty on the winter front stretching about 11 miles southwestwards from Ortona on...