Two days later handed over to 7 platoon 24 hours later Germans attacked again driving 7 platoon off the...
The water bottle I had left in snake hole, along with my other equipment, had been hit by flying shrapnell...
In 1939 had been living in married quarters at the Didcot army base with his wife Annie and sons Derek and...
In the Spring of 1967 I moved into bedsit accommodation at No.6 St. Anne's Gardens, London NW3... Mick...
When the Germans overan Belgium and France his regiment was directed south and went through Abbeyville then...
I have just started receiving letters from Normandy from my son, Lieutenant G.W. Myrddin-Evans of The...
SEA JOURNEY FROM UK TO EGYPT VIA SOUTH AFRICA. The sea route through the Mediterranean Sea was, due to...
Prisoner of war my grandad was very young when he joined the army in 1937. but very quickly he was captured...
The boat started leaving with my grandfather filling the machine gun for the fat sargent... After Dunkirk...
One of my mates was called James Henry Stuart Arthur. In fact when I came back to work in England, James...
The Rhine crossing would involve Twenty-Nine Divisions,a total of one million men.The objective was to...
At night, when the sea roughened up a little, spray scudded over our beds on deck, snuggled under...
He achieved the rank of staff sergeant and served with 'B' Squadron, No 1 Wing the Glider Pilot...
Once again the lad had a change of address, the First Welch was reduced to a Carter battalion, a minimum...
2 Div have organised a Memorial Service at York Cathedral on Tuesday 26 April 2005 to remember those that...
My dad was a bren gunner and came from Sheffield, he landed in France on D-day plus seven without incident...
In 1936,at fourteen years of age having read my fathers daily paper the HERALD every day for some years...
We can remember on a Sunday morning we heard German bombers coming over and I could see them from my...
David was introducing Alan Wicker Humphrey Littleton and Lord Peter Carrington,regarding their War...
So on seeing a Sherman Tank, which had not been there long, my army friend and myself decided to go under...
When I was called up into the army the first town that I went to was OSSET in West Yorkshire and it...
My father L/sgt Marjoram served with the Essex regiment during world war 2 from 1940 , serving with the...