My late father in law Bill Wood was aboard the destroyer HMS Bleasdale which had many various roles during...
I went back to base then on to HMS Nestor doing convoy work in the Atlantic and the Med... From there I...
After various experiences in the Royal Navy minesweeping I was sent to Liverpool to board the Mauretania...
I lived in my parents’ house near St Judes Church in Plymouth and have many memories of the war...
Archie was transferred to another minesweeper, The Hambleton... The Hambleton was damaged by a torpedo and...
He recalled : A fine clear sunrise on Christmas eve over a calm Atlantic ocean was a cheering sight after...
My father John Hepworth of Thornbury, Bradford, served in the Royal Navy during World War 2. The landlady...
Taking part in a Special Boat Section operation was Sergeant King and Marine R.N. Ruff who was an uncle to...
My Grandfather, my fathers father, was born at Dudley Hill, Bradford, Yorkshire on 17th March, 1924... My...
I had just arrived from Gilbralter on board HMS Dido a cruiser, i was to join Hms Aurora light cruiser...
Whilst on duty in the Mediterranean the ship was torpedoed by a German U boat... The order to abandon ship...
This book was dedicated “ To the Officers and Men of H.M.S. FIREDRAKE and The Eighth Flotilla. For...
It was during his short time ashore as he was securing a property near the beach when he came across the...
His experience in Liverpool in 1940 is written as an introduction to his two other stories, 'Russian...
While researching my family tree this year I discovered that my father's name is carved on a plaque on...
My first taste of action was landing on Pantelleria June 11th everything seemed very quite at first,...
Having joined HMS ‘Queen Elizabeth’ at the end of February 1945 as a Midshipman, there was much...
Sept 3rd 1939, Albert's 13 birthday and he hoped at his very young age that the war would continue so...
With my two closest friends already in the forces: Bill Cumming a sergeant pilot in the RAF and George...
On the beach, I think the Royal Engineers came along with a big metal plate and they welded it on and off...
The Free French Landing at Vichy, French Occupied Dakar -an Invasion by the Free French with British...
As every wartime schoolboy knew, some of the minesweepers were purpose built and many were converted...