Stories categorised in 'Royal Navy'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
V.E Day found us back in Poole Harbour, other ships anchored there also, most ships' companies partying...
It was not until the whole story of the D-Day invasion of France was revealed that I realised I had been...
Assailed by a Navigating Officer whose mishaps would have ruined the insurance company for which he worked...
Extract from Diary of Leading Seaman Thomas Nevin during passage of HMS Birmingham from Scapa Flow to...
En route to Scapa Flow, Barham had a disastrous collision with HMS Duchess and was later torpedoed off the...
In the evening of our first day ashore a British resident arrived from the civilian prisoner of war camp to...
They were reluctant to accept the fact that the British black servicemen were a different race in social...
The largest troopship was the KHEDIVE ISMAILwhich, carried the convoy commodore,had a crew of 187 and a...
The Navy realised that the ships had to be out to the Far East for the attack on Japan. I went down...
The destroyer was destined to remain in the eastern Mediterranean, so from Alexandria she patrolled and saw...
Above every bed was a child's slate on which was chalked rank, name, number and regiment of the...
We were soon fully occupied in our duties as novice stokers, as the Bulldog was an escort for Merchant...
However, on Christmas Eve, I met with Hearson ashore and we had a quiet evening enjoying good food and...
Their Lordships, unknown to all concerned, were planning something sinister, for in March 1942 there...
On 22 August 1939, I was appointed to HMS Antelope as Navigating Officer under the command of Lieutenant...
HMS Prince of Wales was part of Force Z which was at Kuantan, Malaya when the Force was attacked by...
Written by Kenneth Waterson telegraphist as observed from the R class destroyer H.M.S Relentless at sea in...
Written by Kenneth Waterson, telegraphist. As observed from the R Class destroyer HMS Relentless, anchored...
Boys from the Central School, younger brothers and sisters, teachers with wives and small children....
This included: a loaded .38 revolver, currency, 20 gold sovereigns, silk maps of Thailand and Malaya,...
As a result of my reasonably fluent French, I was called upon to act as interpreter between the lieutenant...
The sound of the aircraft grew louder until I thought it was directly overhead and screwed up my shoulders...
Whilst serving as a 21 year old Leading Seaman DJX312195 on a destroyer, HMS Beagle from June 1943 to June...
From the fire brigade dealing with German bombs and the Battle of Britain to the North Sea and then to the...
We sailed one night from Scapa, the Commander in Chief flying his flag in the Battleship H.M.S. Duke of...
After doing a three year stint in the Mediterranean Sea on the ships HMS Griffin destroyer, HMS Flamingo a...