Stories categorised in 'Royal Navy'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
The plan was to launch them some miles off the beach at H-50 to arrive on the beach at H hour as...
During the Second World War each night at sea in the Royal Navy the practice was for the Officer of the Day...
During the first World War, my Uncle, Tom Essex, was given a Book of Prayers inscribed "From Mum to...
D-Day minus 3 night time and I was on my bunk asleep. I was woken by an horrendous noise and shudder. D-Day...
In 1939 War broke out, and Able Seaman Bowman was one of the crew of a Royal Naval destroyer, escorting...
This would have to be knocked down or at least breched for the normandy landings to take place Navy...
The next day we lead the flotilla as we headed for our landing site, 'Gold Beach'. We had been told...
Round about 10 or 12 days after, German aircraft came over looking for the FDT ships and two days later,...
When Churchill gave his famous order to "sink the Bismark" my grandfathers destroyer was part of...
My Aunt had recieved a telegram to say her husband Alex Sutton had been lost at sea following the sinking...
My late father Stanley Holden who joined the R.N as a boy recruit was a leading seaman on the Destroyer...
We just got back form overseas Me and me shipmate Dick Pompey baracks was choc-a-blok Enough to make you...
My uncle on my fathers side, Harold Fletcher, served aboard a Royal Navy destroyer during the evacuation at...
I joined the Navy in 1943 and as a C.W. Candidate I was sent to sea as an Ordinary Seaman in H.M.S....
My grandfather Robert Kirk Dickson joined the Royal Navy as midshipmen in 1911 with his brother Archie......
My parents lived in the Medway Towns and my Mother's Uncle managed to offices of J. P. Knight the...
My late dad served in the RAF during WW2... One of his favorite stories was when the Navy lads had their...
On M.T.B 666 we sailed from Lerwick carrying supplies for the Norwegian Underground Fighters... We were...
George Newey married a sister of my Father's side of the family and was a serving officer in the Royal...
Captain Langsdorff is on the left in the photograph of the German officers... Uraguay was a neutral country...
This is in addition to my other story, "The Mundy Family in WW2". For full photos go to...
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