- Contributed byÌý
- David Kirk
- People in story:Ìý
- Cyril Kirk
- Location of story:Ìý
- Burma Jan ~ April 1945
- Background to story:Ìý
- Army
- Article ID:Ìý
- A7898133
- Contributed on:Ìý
- 19 December 2005

Cyril Kirk (extreme left middle row) somewhere in Burma
Diary of Cyril KIRK ~ Last few months in Burma.
Submitted by David Kirk (son ~ sadly Dad died in 1987)
(See also On the road to Mandalay ~ Cyril Kirk)
My father rarely spoke of his army service and war time experiences and only recently (some years after his death) have I been able to piece together some information.
Dad enlisted in the Regular Army in 1935 for 3 years. He was transferred to the Army Reserve in 1938 and was recalled in 1939. He served as part of the BEF in France between Sept 1939 and May 1940 and was evacuated form Dunkirk. As best I can understand, his regiment was based in the UK between 1940 and 1942 re-equipping and training on new guns as they had lost all their artillery in France.
In May 1942 he was sent to India and finished his war service in Burma in 1945.
I recently found my father’s 1945 Diary and have below (as best as I can decipher) documented his notes.
1st January 1945
In harbour
Handed over E sub to Ben Hyde
Started duties as a/c
2nd January 1945
0730 5/22 moved ….. arrived
1500 hrs DIP BHQ into action
Guns harboured.
7th January 1945
19 Div take SHEWBO
10th January 1945
Action at PAGAN
11th January 1945
18 zeros strafing in rear.
12th January 1945
moved to MYITCHE
13th January 1945
14th January 1945
15th January 1945
Moved to 41 F position Support to 19 Div
Irrawaddy crossing
16th January 1945
Preparing posn.
Bamboo thicket in rear bit sticky.
Started firing.
17th January 1945
continuous firing
18th January 1945
Many bombards.
Jap shelling at night.
19th January 1945
Nothing of partic interest
Jap shelling fiercely to our left front
20th January 1945
Canteen supplies up.
22nd January 1945
BHQ move to from CTP
Japs spade guns 400yds from DP
2100hrs Jap put an attack all out on Bridgehead
Shelled on posn
Small arms all night
23rd January 1945
Bombards by the thousand
Exciting night SA on Bridgehead.
2nd February 1945
Shelled during night
3rd February 1945
Shells fell on Battery posn at periods of the
Night. Jap having a good time.
9th February 1945
moved with CTP to Mokauk
Bullets whistling over CP!
19th March 1945
Acquired 15 carat watch for one parachute.
20th March 1945
FORT DUFFERIN, MANDALAY Fell. Talked with some internees- Anglo Burmese.
5th April 1945
6th April 1945
KINKA Obtained temple bell
Got stuck with water cart.
Given a good reception by Burmese side of river.
7th April 1945
12th April 1945
Burmese villagers’ and dancing girls give Ghurkhas show.
Jemadar ACC shot
13th April 1945
Roosevelt dies. 63
14th April 1945
Airplane crash in front of position.
Dental-tooth ache
Cross Irrawaddy
19th April 1945
SINGU. 11: Also all ……..
20th April 1945
CHAUK. Oil wells. Jap doesn’t seem to have developed them and one or two derricks which were completely destroyed.
21st April 1945
CHAUK. Went with infantry.
Secret left fork 7 Div
23rd April 1945
MAGWE. Passed disused airfields of 42.
Some at side of Tarmac Road.
24th April 1945
TAUNGYI. Had fever temp. 102
Went in M.O. tent. Moved in ambulance
25th April 1945
Not feeling too good.
26th April 1945
Feeling pretty crab with fever.
Sleeping in M.O. tent.
27th April 1945
Still with M.O.
News of reallocation
commencing…….. Roll on 23
28th April 1945
HARBOUR 250 ms .
Riding in back of ambulance.
29th April 1945
Still detained in ambulance.
HARBOUR 230 ms.
Part 2 News of Victory in Europe.
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