- Contributed byÌý
- Helen
- Article ID:Ìý
- A2304271
- Contributed on:Ìý
- 17 February 2004
The ´óÏó´«Ã½ asked WW2 Members to add a short anecdote on the subject of ENSA.
We asked the following questions:
- What was your favourite performance?
- Were you on the stage or in the audience?
- What was the most unlikely place in which you saw an ENSA performance?
Read members' responses in the forum below.
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These messages were added to this story by site members between June 2003 and January 2006. It is no longer possible to leave messages here. Find out more about the site contributors.
Message 1 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 30 March 2004 by rexpace
I would like to discuss old times with anyone who toured with ENSA during this period.
Message 2 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
I didn't tour with ENSA but went to their Concerts as much as I could. The first were at the Catterick Garison Theatre, then in Kent.The next were in Singapore just after the War ended.The ENSA performers were a dedicated group who were from 1st. Class Entertainers to the enthusiastic amateurs but all did their best in sometimes trying conditions.In an Autobiography Joyce Grenfell tells of performing in Burma when to explore the suroundings she and another lady stumbled on troops bathing in the nude. All the troops were thrilled that top class performers dedicated their time in this way.
Message 3 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 25 July 2004 by russrover
Hi Rex,
I am trying to get information on Vivienne Fayre - that's her stage name - who I know was the only member of ENSA to be killed in action during WW2.
I am new to this ´óÏó´«Ã½i but clearly it is very comprehensive with lots of useful and fascinating people and information.
Were you actually in ENSA yourself and if you are not able to help is there anyone else I could perhaps turn to.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Russell Bowie
Message 4 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Dear Russell Bowie,
My name is Audrey Landreth I have already replied to your original posting telling you that I knew Vivienne Fayre and was working with her in the theatre before she joined ENSA.If you cannot find this contribution( I too am new to this site and am having difficulties finding my way around)!!! you can telephone me on 01689 831256. Hoping to hear from you soon,
Audrey Mayne (stage name)
Message 5 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 15 September 2004 by peonychan
To all of you,
I am a third-year undergraduate History major student from the Lingnan
University in Hong Kong. I am doing a research project concerning ENSA
and the
popular music during the World War II. However, I have found many
in finding significant material in Hong Kong.
From the ´óÏó´«Ã½ forum, I find that you are witnesses of this history, and
interested in discussing the ENSA concerts. Your memory is a very
valuable and
reliable primary source for my research project. Therefore, I would
like to
know if you would be willing to have a nice chat with me through the
or email me concerning your memories and experiences of this
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Peony Chan
Message 6 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 27 September 2004 by audrey landreth
To peonychan,
Hi, My name is Audrey Landreth and I was a member of ENSA during the war and would be happy to help you in any way I can. I would suggest that you read my contribution to the ´óÏó´«Ã½s/WW2 People's War entitled "Wartime memories of the Theatre" -A2879643 which contains a brief outline of my experiences and also many other stories under the heading of ENSA at the General Military Desk. If there is anything specific you would like to know please contact me at LClandr@aol.com.
Audrey Landreth.
Message 7 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 01 October 2004 by peonychan
Dear Audrey,
Thanks for your help. I have read the articles you had recommended to me, and they are very useful sources to me.
I have sent you an email today to ask for further information. My email address is peony@mail2jazz.com, you can contact me if you cannot receive it.
Message 8 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 28 October 2004 by Martyn Beeny
I notice that you are researching Popular music of WWII.
I am a PhD student looking at popular music in WWII and am writing my thesis on these lines. I would be very interested in swapping ideas.
Martyn Beeny
Message 9 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 16 November 2004 by sisterJomary
Message 10 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 14 May 2005 by jean gibbins
Dear Helen,
I toured on ENSA during 1944/45 in a show called 'Wise and Otherwise'. The manager of the show and his wife were Ernie and Renee Shannon. I have a drawing of the cast made by a serviceman at one of the camps. He captured a good likeness of all the cast.
I was fifteen and a half years old at the time and a member of the Dagenham Girl Pipers. We toured England, Scotland and Wales.
On VE Day we were at Catterick Camp and on VJ Day we were based at Southsea. After our show at one of the camps that night, we were invited to do cabaret work in some of the seafront hotels in Southsea, where American forces were billeted. The hotels were packed,very noisy and chaotic but a wonderful atmosphere.
Jean Gibbins.
Message 11 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 14 May 2005 by jean gibbins
Dear Peonychan,
I have just left a message regarding my work with ENSA in a show called 'Wise and Otherwise' I have read your request and if there is any more information you would like, please leave a message. There were so many aspects that may be of use to you.
Most of the ENSA hostels that we stayed in were large country houses, standing in beautiful grounds, and were staffed by NAAFI personnel. We were well looked after.
Myself and the band members I toured with were very young, 15 - 16 years old, with two head girls in charge of us, probably in their twenties. We were all members of the Dagenham Girl Pipers.
The rest of the cast included a contortionist, a comedian, singer, dancers, etc. It was a popular show.
Jean Gibbins.
Message 12 - e.n.s.a.1944/45
Posted on: 28 September 2005 by alanoap
Hullo peonychan,
I was born in Swansea, South Wales in 1929 so I was a child at the beginning of WW11.
My father was a commercial traveller but when war broke out his business folded because he would have needed petrol which was not avaiable to civilians.
Because of this, he obtained work as as a driver with ENSA which initially meant taking small ENSA parties to various sites in Wales.
This was done in a small Morris van which usually contained himself as driver, a drummer(and set of drums!), a female soubrette(a singer/dancer) a pianist(and a small piano)and a male welsh singer. This was a typical group of entertainers.
It was a very crowded van although I managed to squeeze in on a number of occasions.
After a while he was promoted to an ENSA manager and the family moved to Cardiff(South Wales). Here, he organised accommodation for the artists. workers concerts and visits to other wartime sites.
I remember going with my parents to meet Basil Dean at the Drury Lane Theater in London. I think he was the head of ENSA.
My father received other promotions during the war which involved further moves for the family.
I do not know if this sort of information is useful to you but feel free to contact me.
Message 1 - ENSA tried to recruit RAF Bomb Armourer Harold Hilton
Harold Hilton from Farnworth was born in 1915 and served in the Second World War from 1939-1945.
He served in North Africa and Southern Italy incuding the Isola di Lampedusa. His role in the RAF was of Bomb Armourer, this included placing bombs on aeroplanes.
Harold was awarded various medals for his time served including the North African Star and the Italian Star. He served most of his time with the late Joe Wild who after the war became a councillor and Mayor of Farnworth.
Joe’s wife sent this picture of Joe to Harold’s wife Violet.
Harold had an excellent trained singing voice and entertained the troops on many occasions. The Entertainments' National Service Association ENSA wanted Harold to join them and entertain the many troops all over Europe, Africa and the Far East. However, Harold refused as he wanted to stay with the boys in his own regiment.
On leaving the war, Harold sang in many pubs, clubs and entertainment halls all over the Bolton area.
More details are available About links
Message 1 - E.N.S.A.
Posted on: 09 April 2004 by Peter Pile
I have a cousin who was a member of E.N.S.A. I know that she was with the Dagenham Girl Pipers, in fact she was the Drum Major, and her name was Winnie Pile, I did go to see her once on stage in London in the 50's when I was home on leave from the army prior to going to Korea, but can't remember the name of the theatre it was at.
In later years she married an American, and, as far as I know, still lives in the U.S.A.
I would be interested in talking to anyone who remembers her.
Message 2 - E.N.S.A.
Posted on: 18 May 2005 by jean gibbins
Dear Peter,
I have read your message on the ENSA site and would like you to know that I was a Dagenham Girl Piper and knew your cousin Winnie Pile very well. Winnie was an excellent drum major, she taught me and several other band members.
Winnie is still in America. We get news of her through her brother, who is a regular visitor to our Veterans meetings and the annual birthday party of the band, which will be the 75th anniversary this year.
It is possible that you could be put into contact with Winnie through our Veterans Association. Let me know if you would like their details.
From Jean Gibbins (nee Vale).
Message 1 - Eddie Cabell
Posted on: 16 February 2005 by Vicjune
My dad, Vic Clark, is now 84 and I know it would make him very happy to meet up again with his friend Eddie Cabell who was in the army with him. Eddie trained with dad either at Chisledon, Winchester or Tidworth, and was either in the Kings Royal Rifle Corps or the 2nd Battalion Chesire Regiment before going on to be part of ENSA for the rest of the war. He then joined the ´óÏó´«Ã½ and I believe he worked in the ´óÏó´«Ã½ until he retired. If you know of Eddie's whereabouts, could you please contact me (June - on mobile phone no. 07919278137) or leave a message on this website. Thankyou.
Message 1 - Kisbey the Callboy
Posted on: 07 June 2005 by rousseauej
My grandfathers name was Herbert Kisbey, he was a Variety Artiste. His act was a standup comic named Kisbey the Callboy I believe. According to his son, who is still alive and living in New Zealand. Herbert was out of work prior to the second world war but ENSA revived his career. Does anyone have any information on Herbert Kisbey and his career.
Thank you, John Rousseau.
Message 1 - 4th-9th July 2005 VE/VJ Celebration at St. James's Park, London
Posted on: 09 June 2005 by Angie1971
This is an open invitation for all
ENSA & CSE performers
in St James’s Park, London 4th-9th July 2005 from Midday
The Ministry of Defence and Combined Services Entertainment (CSE) cordially invite you to join us at The Veterans’ Centre, St James’s Park, London during the VE/VJ Commemoration event, Veterans’ Week, on 4th-9th July 2005 from midday onwards.
CSE will be staging a tribute to ENSA Shows, featuring hits from the 1940’s. There will be a chance to sing along and met some of the veterans you may have entertained. CSE staff, and the Managing Director, Trustees and staff from parent charity Services Sound & Vision Corporation (SSVC), would be delighted to meet you and share tales of overseas tours, visits and experiences.
If you are interested in coming, having a good sing along to old favourites, and exchanging stories with former ENSA/CSE performers, then please contact Angie Moore, Entertainment Manager of Combined Servies Entertainment on (01494) 878237. Fax: (01494) 878007. Or E-mail: Angie.Moore@ssvc.com
I look forward to hearing from you all!
Angie Moore
Message 2 - 4th-9th July 2005 VE/VJ Celebration at St. James's Park, London
Posted on: 10 July 2005 by mspatricia
Angela, I am sorry that I have only just seen your message about the ENSA re-union. My "Auntie", Doris Holland or sometimes known as Doris Tilling, was in ENSA in Europe during WW2 and she will be 100 on 20 August. I often wonder if there are any others alive who remember her. I believe she was also on the London stage after the war in a musical. Would it be possible for ENSA to send her greetings? She is blind but has people who read to her and her long-term memory is good
Message 3 - 4th-9th July 2005 VE/VJ Celebration at St. James's Park, London
Hi Angela,
I too am sorry that I missed your ENSA reunion and as an ex-Ensa and C.S.E dancer I am extremely interested in all WW2 People`s War postings. My contribution is under the heading "Wartime memories of the theatre"-A2879643, so I would be pleased to receive any news of forthcoming events,
I would also like to enquire if you have any records or information about a Miss Vivien Fayre who was killed whilst travelling in an ENSA bus in France on January 23 1945.She was a very close friend as my dancing partner but we were serving in separate companies.I was always under the impression that she was the only ENSA casualty of the war - is that correct?
If you would like to contact me direct my e-mail address is LClandr@ aol.com.
Thank you,
Audrey Mayne.
Message 1 - ENSA Badge
Posted on: 29 September 2005 by gladShirley
A dear friend who was a Member of ENSA at the end of the war and worked in Germany after the war with ENSA has lost her ENSA Badge and I would love to obtain a replacement for her.
Can anyone help please?
Message 1 - Theatres and ENSA during the 2nd World War
Posted on: 29 January 2006 by lizday364
My name is Lizzie Day and I am a Third year student at Staffordshire University studying Drama and Theatre Arts. As part of my final assesment I have to complete a 5,000 word research project. My chosen topic is British Theatre during the Second World War. This will also include related topics such as ENSA. I would greatly apprieciate it if anyone who has any informantion or personal sources to do with this topic would kindly share their stories and accounts with me to include as a part of my project. Anything may be of use and greatly recieved!
Many thanks, Lizzie x

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