my father albert raymond carr served in the queens lancashire regiment (the loyals)prior during and after the second world war he was based at fulwoo barracks preston saw service in india palestine and italy.wonder if there are any old boys out there that may remember him he made the rank of sargeant major and c.s.m'sadly he died in 04. whilst on this page can i offer the thanks of my wife and i and my fathers two grandsons stephen and paul both to there grandad and to all those that gave up their youth and lives to give us our freedom.
my father taught the use of the bren gun and bren gun carrier. ive got his military cane and one story that he use to tell me when i was little, was that he used that cane to carry shot german soldiers with by hanging them from a part that would be too rude to mention on here, obviusly some poetic licence being used in that story by my father but it still amuses me to this day
also a story where he asked some soldiers to go down a hole and something to do with dodgy grenades,need some clarifying that story
another time whilst in italy being shot at by germans and running away in a field he stopped in the snow to answer the call of nature