On 3rd September 1939 I was evacuated privately to live with a large wealthy family who lived in Ardingly ,Sussex. In 1941 I went to school in nearby Haywards Heath. Most days I used to cycle to school.
This is an account of one of the most frightening incidents that happened , to me personally, was when I was cycling back from the school one afternoon. It had been very grey and misty all day. In the murky sky above me the unmistakable off-beat drone of a German aircraft got louder and louder as I made my way back home on the virtually silent country lane. It was very eerie and I felt my heart beat as I redoubled my effort to get back to the comparative safety of my wartime home. On later reflection, back in the comfort Of Townhouse Farm, we came to the conclusion that it probably was a reconnnaissance plane stooging around - probably lost in the mist.