I'm the daughter of Arthur Evans, the author of "Sojourn in Silesia", which some consider to be the definitive book on Stalag VIIIB, the World War 2 prisoner-of-war camp in what was then Silesia (now Poland).
As a result of the success of the book, I'm also the webmaster for the website Lamsdorf Reunited, the purpose of which is to reunite those who were in Stalag VIIIB, or their families, and to share information about them, as well as stories and anecdotes from the days in the camp. We also have some amazing photographs taken, at great risk to himself, actually inside the camp by a very brave airman.
In some cases, the PoWs on Lamsdorf Reunited are still alive. But increasingly, they've passed on without ever discussing their war experiences and so their families post their details on our site in order to find out more.
To see the site, please go to: www.lamsdorfreunited.co.uk
So if you'd like your details, or your father or grandfather's details, to appear on Lamsdorf Reunited, for others to get in touch with you, you can email us on mailto:enquiries@lamsdorfreunited.co.uk.
We hold all contact details on our separate, secure database and if anyone recognises you, your father or grandfather, and wants to be in touch with you, we will then pass their contact details on to you. Please be assured, at no time will your contact details be passed on to anyone, for any reason.
So I look forward to hearing from you.
Gill Harley