Born in 1929 -- lived a humble life in a little house in Tyseley. Brought up my my Mum and several lovely Aunts- just remember the beginning of the war -- Chamlerlains speech, for example. Then, because we live near the Lucas battery factory such vivid memories of spitfires, ack ack guns,Dorniers and Heinkels ( I could still tell the difference of the engines). And the unbelievable people like Churchill and Monty
Bombed out of two little two bit houses -- no father who had left my Mum before the war - then burned out of a third house. Land mines, whistling bombs-- several lads were encouraged to form an army which local adults organised. ( I was then about 12 or so) and we all had wooden rifles etc. ( I have several pictures)
Then at 13 ( minimum age was 17 !!) I became an ARP Messenger, complete with tin hat and uniform which I still have. Hardy ever at school-- up every night and asleep during the day except for the raids, the sirens, the bombs and the Anderson shelter in the garden. I often regret that I have no ability to write about the wonderful but sometimes so sad times we had. Great privation but such togetherness and so many wonderful memories.
I wonder how many people remember that area or those times ??
Do let me know Phil