My father was a CERA on HMS Express a minelaying destroyer and Kept a diary for 1940 up to the Evacuation from Dunkirk. Below is an extract from Fri10th May
This evening we hoist White Ensign to the foremast
as if really expecting some "goings on." More action stations at 7 pm. Enemy aircraft sighted!- probably a couple of dipchicks. We connected 3rd boiler at 7.30pm. Action stations at 8pm so shut down mess as usual and all at action stations.... We are steaming steady at 16 knts keeping station with Princess Victoria astern and Esk and Intrepid on either side. At 9 pm we sight land ahead saw buildings first - low coast.We were signalled fom shore & heard that "Whitehead was inshore loading Dutch Gold and that cruiser Birmingham was also in to pick up Princess Juliana & Co. We off Texel and laying mines out from shore across main approache to the Hague. This in anticipation of enemy transports making a landing."