Both my Father and my Father-in-Law were involved in WW2 but in different branches of the Services. Dad was in the Merchant Navy, and told me a story about towing part of the Mulberry Harbours across open water beyond the Thames Estuary and seeing a German fighter plane trying to sink the huge concrete structure with machine gun bullets! Luckily the pilot seemed to miss the tug towing it about a mile ahead!
My Father-in-Law was in the Royal Marines, based in Portsmouth, and served as a forward gunner (and cook after complaining about the food!)on LCF9 (Landing Craft Flak). He has several very interesting stories which I will go into later, and is still an active member of the local RNA and LCG&F Association. My Mum worked in a munitions factory in the Midlands, and Mum-in-Law lived in Portsmouth during the war years, and the first story I wish to contribute is some of her recollections from 1939 onwards.