I served throughout WW2 in Royal Navy first as an Ordinary Seaman (1939-40) and later as Sub.Lieutenant/Lieutenant RNVR. Fist seagoing ship. town cruiser HMS Sheffield. Action in Norway and northern patrol. Commissioned as Sub.Lieutenant 1940. Served in HMS Glengyle, HMS Glenroy and HMS Glenearn in Mediterranean. Evacuation of Crete & Greece, raid on Syria at Litani River,Malta convoys,landings at Algiers,Sicily.Italy,S of France. Also when back in UK drafted to HMS Queen Emma for Dieppe Raid.Remained in Navy after Armistice and was drafted to HMS Brissenden, a Mark IV Hunt Class Destroyer. Joined her in Piraeus (Athens)and took part in intercepting illegal Jewish immigtants to what was then Palestine. Resigned RN 1947. Joined Foreign Office,Downing Street and was appointed Secretary to Deputy Foreign Ministers dealing with the former Italian Colonies in Africa.Became a "Foreign Office Spokesman" specialising in Middle Eastern affairs.Left FO 1954 to set up own business "Derek Stannard Public Relations". Retired 1986. Married with 4 children & 10 grandchildren.Hobbies - making cakes and gateaux, watching Kent cricket. Member of Byron Society.