George H Johnston was a schoolmaster at Nunn Street School Derby in 1939, called up September 1940, and who rose to be Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, before transferring to the Worcester Regiment in 1945 for Overseas service in support of the Chindits campaign. He was responsible Nigerian troops who were taken to India, and for returning them after he war finished, returning to the UK in May 1946.
His wife Mavis nee Richards, whom he married in 1942, worked in Derby welfare office as a clerk until her marriage, when she was obliged to give up her job. Thereafter she worked for Rolls Royce in the drawing office at Belper and Derby, concerned amongst other things with making modifications to Rolls Royce's Merlin engines for Spitfires. She claimed never to have understood what she was doing, but this was probably an exageration, as she was a very intelligent woman.
Their son was born 1948, and he recorded their war remiscences shortly before their deaths, and placed them on this site