I was eight when war was declared and I still remember Chamberlain on the radio ( wireless then ) finishing off his speech with the words
" no such undertaking has been received and therefore this Country is at war with Germany "
The only other significant broadcast I remember so vividly is the Abdication Speech.
The sirens went off quite regularly and my Dad used to waken me ( sirens didn't ) to tell me to go to the Anderson shelter in the garden next door. After a few false alarms I used to say
" it will be a false alarm, I'm staying in bed "
until, one night I heard a bomb whistling down, I got to the shelter in record time!
My Dad and my Uncle Bill both volunteered for the L.D.V.( later Home Guard ) the night if was first broadcast, they had arm-bands, my Dad was a Sergeant and Uncle Bill was an Officer, both had served in WW1.
An unexploded bomb dropped in our Road only 3 doors away, a lot of houses were evacuated until the army de-fused it. Most of us kids were leaning over the ropes watching the bomb squad, until a bobby shouted at us. That was rhe time when the Police really mattered, at least to us kids!