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15 October 2014
WW2 - People's War

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Researcher 246489
User ID: U246489

As a former regular soldier, I served with what was then called "The Empire Soldiers" enlisting at the age of fourteen, I served in Egypt, Cyprus, Palestine ,Singapore, Malaya, and was taken prisoner of war in Singapore. If I can assist anyone to keep alive the memories of those men who died as a result of their betrayal, I ofer my services.
Ihave published one or two books including my own. Lesser Gods Greater Devils, When You Go Home are two titles. herewith is a short story concerning 500 of those men who were captured by the Japanese were sent to work in a copper mine on Sudo Island in March 1942 more than 100 died during their captivity In August 1945, their Japanese captors thanked 358 of them for their work by entombing them down the mine they had worked for more than three years. Our British government have done nothing to honour these men, they are only remembered by those who knew them.

Here is the true story concerning the mass murder of 387 British and Allied prisoners of war by entombment. Taken from captain Godwin's War Criminals investigation office file. 125 M which the captain was ordered by general MackArthur to destroy in 1948.
Statement taken from Lt Yoshiro Tuda formerly second in command of the forced labour camp on the island of Sado, which was an unlisted prisoner of war camp.
Lt Yoshiro Tsuda, although evasive throughout his interrogation, answered Most questions sufficiently helpful to enable the investigating officer to piece together the reasons and cause of the disappearance of 387 Allied prisoners of war, and including the date of their execution.
Tsuda's testimony
'On the morning of the 2nd August 1945, I was ordered by major Masami Sadakichi the camp commandant, to detail the usual working parties at the nearby mine but with special instructions to ensure that every prisoner entered the mine. Usually fifty prisoners remained on top of the mine to empty the rakes of laden steel bins into nearby hoppers.
I pointed out this need to major Sadakichi, but he dismissed my concern with the comment that the mine was no longer viable and would be abandoned that day. Superior orders decreed that all prisoners of war were to be ordered to the deepest part of the mine, some 400 feet. Major Sadakichi further impressed on me that the guard detail were to carry out their duties in the normal manner, and not to alarm the prisoners.
I further advised major Sadakichi that a demolition detail had set concealed explosive charges inside the mine at depths of 100, 200, and 300 feet. This task had been carried out during the previous night. After the prisoners had been set hewing the ore from the marked areas . I was ordered to instruct Sgt major Mitsonobu Sakamoto the NCO in charge of the guards, to ensure their discreet out of the mine. The toiling prisoners were to be left to their obvious fate.
Between 8-45 and 9 am on the morning of the 2nd August 1945 All of the guards emerged from the mine tunnel whereupon a number of steel ore bins were pushed to the mines downward entrance and allowed to gather speed into its depths. At 9.10 am and with no further bins to dispose of , a signal was given to blow up the mine. I was watching from a distance of 100 yards and witnessed a rush of smoke and dust from the mines entrance. While waiting for the smoke and dust to clear, every available guard was set to work dismantling the steel narrow gauge track , and then carrying portions of it to the mines entrance . By 10-30am or thereabouts all traces of the steel track had been removed. From what I can recall the demolition detail then entered the mine to set more explosives just inside the mine entrance. It was while returning to the prison camp that I heard a very loud explosion. Looking back I saw an avalanche of rock and earth was completely covering where the mines entrance had been. Knowing that the mine had been collapsed in three separate places, I was certain that the prisoners were doomed.
Upon returning to the camp I immediately reported to major Sadakichi that the mine had been totally destroyed and all 387 POWs entombed in its depths.


Ambo Isle Laha Beheadings POWs 312 1942
Adaman Isles Widespread Massacre Civilians 1386 1945
Ballae Isle Ballale Massacre Civilians 60 1942
Banga Is Serut Beheadings Civilians 103 1942
Batan Is Buyan beheadings Airmen 4 1944
Borneo Balikpapan beheadings POWs 9 1942
Borneo Banjarmasin Massacre Civilians 60 1942
Borneo Loa Kulu Massacre civilians 598 1945
Borneo Pontianake Shooting Civilans 46 1942
Borneo Sandakan Massacre POWs 598 1945
Burma Widespread Beheading/shooting POWs 138 1944
Celebes Widespread Massacre Civilians 213 1942
Burma Kwai Railway Slave Labour POWs 6960
Formosa POW camps Shooting POWs 170
Japan POW camps Sickness/Brutality POWs 2315
Malaya Parit Sulong Machine Gunning POWs 157
Maritime Various Massacres Ships Crews 1460
Misool Is Binjap Beheadings Airmen 5
Moluccas Is Obi Beheading Airmen 3
Netherlands Maritime Pig Basket drowning POWs 1390
New Britain Widespread Torture/Behead POWs 388
New Guinea Widespread Torture/Behad Mixed 640
New Ireland widespread Beheadings POWs 17
Palua Ilse Palau massacre Civilians 37
Philippines Widesprad Massacres PO/Civilians19740
Sado Isle Aikawa Entombment POWs 387

Sarawak Widespread Massacre Civilians 290
Singapore Widespread Massacre Civilians 13760
Sumatra Widespread Massacre POW/Civilians 14000 1942-45
Samba Is Widespread Massacres POW/Civilians 144 1942-44
Sumbawa Widespread Massacre POWs/Civilians 290 1942-45
Tarawa Tarawa Beheadings NZ Cost watch 23 1942
Truk Is Truk Beheadings Merchant Navy 19 1944

Arthur Lane

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