My father joined the navy from Dr Barnados home in Ashford, Middlesex. He first went on the EXMOUTH, a training ship for boys from childrens homes. He joined HMS GANGES at Shotley in 1922. His first ship was the HMS THUNDERER, he then went on the HMS RESOLUTION and IMPREGNABLE and the RODNEY. He left the navy in 1936, and was then recalled in 1938. He joined HMS COURAGEOUS on 31st July 1939, and was sunk 17th Sept 1939 by U29. He then joined HMS CARLISLE 21st Jan 1940 until 19th June 1942. He then joined HMS TARTAR on 20th June 1942 to 26 Aug 1944. Dad was then stationed in Germany to the end of the war. I have been researching his war exploits, but would like a bit more information about the CARLISLE during the period he was on the ship. I have a lot of information about the Tartar as a shipmate wrote a book about it called Tartar Memoirs (Archie Meiklem).