VoicesYou are in: Manchester > Voices  Posh or chav - do you change the way you talk to fit in? How do we speak in Manchester? Jak Scattergood is from Salford. His accent says a lot about who is and he's not about to change  Our Voices reporter has been talking to three groups in Greater Manchester about local words.  Bagging, Mitch and Mardy - great words, but what do they mean? Play our interactive game. Does the way you speak effect they way people react to you? Join in our Voices discussion.  Find out about, and read an extract from, a play written in Lanacshire dialect.  When is a pump not a pump? When it's a golly or a trainer or a plimsole.  Take a look at how the word 'bus' looks when spoken by people from different areas.  Y'awlright? You will be after this crash-course in talking the talk in Mancs. More from this sectionYou are in: Manchester > Voices |