
Don't Be Shy - working for sexual and reproductive health and rights

Ma Shet Ne (Don't be shy) marks its fifth anniversary of reaching young people in Myanmar

Updated: 6 January 2025

Shame and taboos persist around sexual and reproductive health in Myanmar, particularly among young people. Our project Ma Shet Ne (Don't Be Shy) has broken barriers among digitally connected young audiences, providing information they can trust on a wide range of sexual health topics, and supporting them to become more open-minded and confident to talk about the issues.

Our popular now has nearly 2.1 million likes and more than 3.3 million people following - and our viral video on has had more than 33 million views! We have also introduced a chatbot to help answer questions from followers.

Since 2022, Ma Shet Ne has expanded its presence beyond its Facebook page to include other social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Telegram. The initial phase of the project, spanning from 2019 to 2021, targeted young individuals aged 15 to 24 residing in Yangon.Beginning with the second phase from 2022, the project has expanded its focus to include young people residing outside Myanmar's largest city.

In December 2024, Ma Shet Ne commemorated its fifth anniversary鈥攁 remarkable milestone achieved despite the country's significant political turmoil and uncertainty. The project has continued to serve as a crucial space for sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) service providers and youth audiences to engage in discussions on sexual and reproductive health issues.

Read our research findings about the project here.

Learn more in our overview film:

Learn about Ma Shet Ne (Don't be shy), our SRHR project in Myanmar

Project information

Project name Ma Shet Ne - Don't be shy
Funder Access to Health


Theme Sexual and reproductive health and rights
Outputs Facebook page, Tik Tok, YouTube, social media content, chatbot and outreach activities

Our projects in Myanmar

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