Industrial Teesside isn't a location you'd automatically
associate with nature watching but a trip to Seal Sands is a real treat for wildlife
Why not go on an urban walk with a difference? | Seals
at Teesside's aptly named wildlife haven, Seal Sands. |
Sands wild walks
length - 4.4 km (can be split into two walks - North Gare and Seal Sands). Plus
short car drive between the two main sites.
Those arriving by public transport
are advised to pick either the North Gare or Seal Sands walk. Approx
time: 2.5 hours. Walk difficulty: Easy with
some easy-moderate sections at North Gare. Mostly flat. Highlights:
This walk provides great views of waders, water birds, seals and birds of prey.
Sands Point
1 - Start your walk at the Greatham Creek car park and turn left along the footway
by the A178, taking care to watch out for fast moving traffic as you cross the
As you reach the small bridge over the road, look down to your left
to check for seals basking on the mud flats at high tide. Point 2 - Turn
right along the signposted path along Greatham Creek looking out for wading birds
on the mud flats to your left and the water areas to your right. As high
tide comes in, you might be lucky to see seals swimming and bobbing up and down
in the water to your left as they move from the mudflats on Seal Sands towards
the exposed mud at the bottom of the creek. Point 3 - Continue along the
path past two kissing gates, looking at the industrial landscape around you and
scanning for raptors and other birds. Point 4 - Go inside the hide and watch
for sea birds and seals. You're most likely to see the seals on Seal Sands at
low tide when the mud banks are exposed. Point 5 - Leave the hide and turn
right along a footpath towards another hide overlooking the tidal lagoon. Once
again scan the area for wading birds. Point 6 - Return along the same path
along Greatham Creek to the car park. North Gare Point
7 - Take a left turn out of the car park and drive along the A178 north to North
Gare. Look for the grass mounds near the car park which are evidence of the former
salt industry.
From the car park walk pass through the kissing gate and
walk along the surfaced track to the break water. Point 8 - Turn right along
one of two tracks to the beach. Walk along the beach for about 1km checking for
sea birds including Cormorants. Also look at the Marram Grass colonising the dunes. You'll
be able to see Hartlepool Power Station in the near distance ahead of you. Point
9 - Turn right again, and then take another right along a surfaced path and through
the golf course to the car park where you started. Photo
credits Teesside industry images courtesy
and copyright of Natural England and Peter Wakeley. |