McKeever's favourite Northern Irish author has sold over
100 million books and inspired the Harry Potter and the Lord
of the Rings novels. He's written sci-fi novels, Christian
books, children's sagas, academic criticism and created the
most famous lion and wardrobe in literature.
This author is - CS Lewis.
"I remember climbing into the
big dark wardrobe in my parents' bedroom, parting the heavy
coats and hoping against hope that my fingers wouldn't touch
the back of the wardrobe, but that I would keep walking until
I felt snow underfoot and found myself in the magical kingdom
of Narnia.
As an adult I was shocked to learn that CS Lewis actually
came from Belfast! Although he is one of Ulster's most widely
read and acclaimed authors, he is not as well known by his
fellow country people as he should be. I read his partial
autobiography "Surprised by Joy" to explore the
details of his birth and childhood and his relationship with
the Ulster of his youth - a land that fed his very active
So why don't you explore the links between CS
Lewis and Northern Ireland?"
Find out more about CS Lewis the man,
the storyteller
and the Christian.
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