Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 8: 4
CRIOMAG: 'Deas gu Antarctica' (Cairstìona Allen)

1. 'IT’S': 'S ANN & 'S E
Cairstìona Allen:
“'S ann air Elephant Island a dh'fhàg Shackleton còrr is fichead dhen a' luchd-obrach aig', dhen a' chriutha aige.”
“It's on Elephant Island that Shackleton left more than twenty of his workers, of his crew.”
It's what / who? 'S e.
It's where/when/how/why? 'S ann.
'It's [what?] Elephant Island we saw.'
'S e Elephant Island a chunnaic sinn.
'It's [where?] on Elephant Island that we saw seals.'
'S ann air Elephant Island a chunnaic sinn ròin.
'It's [who?] Captain Luis Pardo who came to rescue them.'
'S e an Caiptean Luis Pardo a thàinig gan sàbhaladh.
'It's [from where?] from Chile Pardo was.' ('Pardo was from Chile.')
'S ann à Chile a bha Pardo.
'It's [how?] thanks to Luis Pardo that the crew were saved.'
'S ann taing do Luis Pardo a chaidh an criutha a shàbhaladh.
'It's [what?] the zodiacs we used to reach the island.'
'S e na zodiacs a chleachd sinn airson an t-eilean a ruigsinn.
'It's [how?] in the zodiacs that we went round the island.'
'S ann anns na zodiacs a chaidh sinn timcheall air an eilean.
'It's [what?] the rocks that stopped us.'
'S e na creagan a stad sinn.
'It's [where?] on the rocks that the seals were.'
'S ann air na creagan a bha na ròin.
'It's [what?] seals I saw without a doubt.'
'S e ròin a chunnaic mi gun teagamh sam bith.
'It's [when?] yesterday I saw the seals.'
'S ann an-dè a chunnaic mi na ròin.
'It's [who?] Shackleton who led the expedition.'
'S e Shackleton a bha os cionn
'It’s [when?] in 1916 that Shackleton reached the island.'
'S ann ann an 1916 a ràinig Shackleton an t-eilean.
'It's [where?] to the Antarctic they went.'
'S ann dhan Antarctic a chaidh iad.
'It's [when?] 100 years ago this happened.'
'S ann ceud bliadhna air ais a thachair seo.
2. BIDH IAD A' FEITHEAMH: 'They will be waiting' or 'They wait'
(Sùil Air Ais gu Prògram 3.)
BIDH mi a' dèanamh X: 'I will be doing X.' (future) OR 'I (regularly) do X.'
Bidh mi a' seinn. : 'I will be singing' / 'I (regularly) sing.'
Bidh mi a' gabhail còig mionaidean. : 'I will be taking five minutes.' / 'I take five minutes.'
An-dràsta 's a-rithist bidh mi a' gabhail còig mionaidean gus stad is smaoineachadh.
'Now and again I take five minutes to stop and think.'
Cairstìona Allen:
“Bidh iad a' feitheamh dìreach anns an uisge gun tig na penguins... bidh na leopard seals gan ith an uair sin.”
“They just wait in the water till the penguins come... the leopard-seals eat them at that point.”
3. ÀS DÈIDH DHOMH FALBH,... 'After me leaving, ...'
Cairstìona Allen:
“Agus an latha sin às dèidh dhuinn dìreach a bhith coimhead am pìos talamh seo, chaidh sinn timcheall air Elephant Island anns na zodiacs.”
“And that day, after we'd just been seeing this piece of ground, we went round Elephant Island in the Zodiacs.”
(Faic Prògram 3: Às a dhèidh - 'after it, afterwards'. Tha mi a' faireachdainn nas fheàrr às a dhèidh. 'I feel better after it.')
Às dèidh dhomh sin a dhèanamh
'After me ('for me') doing that, / After I’d done that'
Às dèidh dhomh falbh
'After me ('for me') leaving / After I’d left'
Às dèidh dhomh falbh, faodaidh sibh tòiseachadh.
'After me ('for me') leaving, / Once I've left, you can start.'
Às dèidh dhomh falbh, chaidil iad.
'After me ('for me') leaving / After I'd left, they slept.'
Às dèidh dhut bruidhinn riutha, dh’fhalbh iad.
'After you ('for you') speaking to them / After you'd spoken to them they left.'
Às dèidh dha an doras a dhùnadh, faodaidh sibh cluich.
'After him ('for him') shutting the door / Once he's shut the door, you can play.'
Às dèidh dhi snàmh, bidh i a' ruith deich mile.
'After her ('for her') swimming, after she's swum, she runs ten miles.'
Às dèidh dhuinn snàmh, gabhaidh sinn biadh.
'After us ('for us') swimming / After we've swum, we'll have something to eat.'
Às dèidh dhuibh èisteachd ris a' phrògram, faodaidh sibh sùil a thoirt air na notaichean air-loidhne.
'After you ('for you') listening / After you've listened to the programme, you can take a look at the notes online.'
Às dèidh dhaibh innse na chunnaic iad, chuir sinn ceistean orra.
'After them ('for them') telling what they saw / After they recounted what they saw, we questioned them.'