The Balance Challenges

Trust Me, I'm a Doctor: Balance
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor's Saleyha Ahsan explains why you should work on your balance.
Better balance is child’s play once you have mastered the hop and the jump.
Improve your balance and learn a fun party trick at the same time!
Find your inner Zen in a hectic world while improving your balance.
See the world from a different angle, just like you did when you were a kid.
The Hula Challenge - #MakeYourMove
Improve your balance and learn a fun party trick at the same time!
The Hopscotch Challenge - #MakeYourMove
Better balance is child’s play once you have mastered the hop and the jump.
The Taste of Tai Chi Challenge - #MakeYourMove
Find your inner Zen in a hectic world while improving your balance.
The Handstand Challenge - #MakeYourMove
See the world from a different angle, just like you did when you were a kid.