The Flexibility Challenges

Trust Me, I'm a Doctor: Flexibility
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor's Gabriel Weston talks on the importance of staying flexible.
A guilty pleasure with a healthy edge. No costumes required!
Improve your flexibility in your front room. Limited space required for this challenge.
Wish you could still touch your toes? Follow these steps and you will again!
Never say never! A daily routine that will help you perfect the scissor splits (finally).
The YMCA A Day Challenge - #MakeYourMove
A guilty pleasure with a healthy edge. No costumes required!
The Anywhere Yoga Challenge - #MakeYourMove
Improve your flexibility in your front room. Limited space required for this challenge.
The Touch Your Toes Challenge - #MakeYourMove
Wish you could still touch your toes? Follow these steps and you will again!
The Splits Challenge - #MakeYourMove
Never say never! A daily routine that will help you perfect the sissor splits (finally).