Trouble in Hufflefuffle
By Jessica Molloy

Trouble in Hufflefluffle by Jessica Molloy
Read by David Hounslow from the 大象传媒 Radio Drama Company.
Ever wondered what new babies are looking at? They're looking at Hufflefluffle, a magical land tucked away in the clouds. It's only visible for those first few weeks, then as we grow, we lose sight of it. We no longer see the wildflower meadows, babbling brooks and picturesque villages.
There was trouble in Hufflefluffle. The usually idyllic land was upside down. The brooks were babbling uphill, the cows were drinking milk and the dogs were meowing. There was much fro-ing and to-ing amongst the normally smiley inhabitants who were besides themselves with worry.
You see, the magic was decidedly under the weather, and without the magic, Hufflefluffle would become visible to all. The uncertainty was sending everything haywire. Something needed to be done.
Up stepped Florence Flufflehuffle, seventy-fifth in a long line of Flufflehuffles. "We need to capture an Earth baby's giggle and bring it back", she said with great trepidation. This was not an easy task for a people who stood only an inch high, even in high heels!
The brightest minds hatched a daring plan and the people set about making the longest daisy chain ever. A special net was also needed. Volunteers were requested and Florence was selected, an easy decision as she was the only one.
Four days later, at 2.54pm precisely, Hufflefluffle time, Operation Earth Baby commenced. Florence, wearing a tailor made space suit of highest quality Fluffle, was lowered through the trapdoor in the clouds. Fluffle, the woven cloth after which the land was named, had its own special properties. To human eyes, Florence was no longer a tiny being but a beautiful butterfly.
The binocular crew had spent hours trying to find the right baby. Her name was Bo and her giggle was perfect. Each afternoon, weather permitting, she napped outside in her pram. Today, the sun was shining, the sky was blue and a gentle breeze nudged the daisies.
I say gentle breeze but to an inch high Florence it was quite a challenge. There was a particularly hairy moment when a sparrow fancied a lovely butterfly for lunch and Florence had to defend herself vigorously with her net. However, somehow, she managed to stay on course and was dangling above Bo just as she was about to wake.
Mission in mind, Florence failed to notice Rosie approaching and a butterfly was a rather fun opponent. At that moment, Bo woke and giggled at the jumping cat and the tiny being on a daisy chain. The raising team pulled hard, Florence swung her net, caught the giggle and bounced upwards off Rosie's nose.
The ascent was slightly less eventful if you overlook the near miss with the hand glider and Florence was soon back in Hufflefluffle. Time to release the giggle.
Everyone had gathered by the singing waterfall, currently seriously out of tune. The crowd fell silent and held their breath as Florence gently opened the net. Bo's giggle rose joyfully into the air and the waterfall began singing beautifully once again.
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