How to have a happy January: Find time to meditate

Stress affects us all and January can feel like the most difficult month of the year as we re-adjust after the December party season.
Whether it’s another rail strike or trying to finish a new album, drummer Dan Flint says the key to battling stress is finding time to meditate.
It worked for YMAS, so maybe it can work for us too.
"As a band, we’ve been getting into meditation as lot," says Dan.
If there鈥檚 times when you feel stressed or the world is too much, take 20 minutes out of your day and try some meditationDan Flint, You Me At Six
"If there’s times when you feel stressed or the world is too much, take 20 minutes out of your day and try some meditation because honestly it does wonders.
"It resets your brain and you’re able to think clearly again."
YMAS recently released their fifth studio album and meditation was a huge part of making the record.
"We went on a meditation course just before we made our new record," he says.
"It put us in a great mind-set when we were out in Nashville, we’d go home from the studio and debrief by sitting around and having a little meditate."