How to have a happy January: Do something you loved when you were a child

January is the Monday of the year - except it's 31 times as long and 31 times as annoying.
So you're not alone if you're struggling a little bit with the post-Christmas blues. We're all in the same boat.
So, we're going to try and help you through the worst month of the year with a little help from the Radio 1 presenters and one or two of our pop star pals. Today, R1's Clara Amfo has a few words of wisdom for us all...
Watch Clara perform piano with in the Live Lounge
"Pick up something again that you were good at as a kid," says Clara.
"Revisit an old hobby that you let go of in your childhood. It will make you really happy.
"I went back to the piano this year, but I might go back to sprinting again. I used to sprint and I really enjoyed it but I let it go. I wouldn't mind sprinting again."
We fully expect to see Clara at the 2020 Olympics in Japan.