Tha litir bheag na seachdain aig Ruaraidh MacIllEathain.
This week's short letter for learners is introduced by Ruaraidh MacLean.
Last on
An Litir Bheag 337
Duration: 03:45
An Litir Bheag 337
A bheil sibh e貌lach air an fhacal amhaisg 鈥 A-M-H-A-I-S-G? Tha e a鈥 ciallachadh duine beag aig a bheil droch r霉n. Uaireannan bidh e a鈥 nochdadh ann am Beurla mar awisk 鈥 A-W-I-S-K. Co-dhi霉, seo agaibh f矛or sheann st貌iridh 脿 dualchas nan G脿idheal 鈥 Na h-Amhaisgean.
听听听听听听听听听听听 Bha tr矛 saighdearan ann a theich bhon arm. Bha iad a鈥 coiseachd airson d脿 latha. Bha an t-acras orra. Shuidh iad ri taobh cnoc. Chunnaic iad c霉 m貌r ruadh.
听听听听听听听听听听听 Dh鈥櫭╥rich fear dhiubh. Lean e air a鈥 ch霉. Cha deach e astar m貌r nuair chunnaic e caisteal. Chunnaic e boireannach dreachmhor aig uinneag. Ghlaodh am boireannach ris a dhol gu doras c霉il. Rinn e sin agus chaidh e a-steach. Thug am boireannach do she貌mar br猫agha e.
听听听听听听听听听听听 Chaidh biadh a chur air a bheulaibh. Bha leth de mhulachag c脿ise ann. Bha e a鈥 f脿s dorch. Chaidh solas a lasadh. Nuair a shuidh an saighdear airson biadh a ghabhail, thog am boireannach an solas. Dh鈥檉halbh i leis agus dh鈥檉h脿g i an saighdear ann an dorchadas. Chuimhnich esan air na caraidean acrach aige. Chuir e an leth-mhulachaig na mh脿ileid.
听听听听听听听听听听听 An ceann greis, thill am boireannach leis an t-solas. 鈥淏ha e ne貌nach gun tug thu an solas air falbh,鈥 thuirt an saighdear rithe.
听听听听听听听听听听听 鈥淭ha an duine ne貌nach nach urrainn biadh a chur na bheul gun solas,鈥 fhreagair i. Dh鈥檌arr i a鈥 mhulachag suas is s矛os. Mu dheireadh, lorg i na mh脿ileid i. Bha i m矛-thoilichte. Dh鈥檌arr i gum biodh an saighdear air a thilgeil am measg nan con m貌ra.
听听听听听听听听听听听 Air an l脿rna-mh脿ireach, chunnaic an dithis shaighdearan eile an c霉 ruadh a-rithist. Lean fear dhiubh air. Chaidh e don chaisteal. Chunnaic e am boireannach dreachmhor. Ghlaodh am boireannach ris a dhol gu doras c霉il. Rinn e sin agus chaidh e a-steach. Thug am boireannach do she貌mar br猫agha e. Chaidh biadh a chur air a bheulaibh. Am measg a鈥 bh矛dh bha ceathramh muilt.
听听听听听听听听听听听 Nuair a shuidh an saighdear a ghabhail a鈥 bh矛dh, thug am boireannach an solas air falbh. Chuimhnich an saighdear air a鈥 chompanach. Chuir e an ceathramh muilt na mh脿ileid. Agus leanaidh an st貌iridh an-ath-sheachdain.The Little Letter 337
Do you know the word amhaisg 鈥 A-M-H-A-I-S-G? It means a wee guy of evil intent. Sometimes it appears in English as awisk 鈥 A-W-I-S-K. Anyway, here is a really old story from the heritage of the Gaels 鈥 The Awisks.
听听听听听听听 There were three soldiers who [had] fled from the army. They were walking for two days. They were hungry. They sat down beside a hill. They saw a large red dog.
听听听听听听听 One of them arose. He followed the dog. He hadn鈥檛 gone [didn鈥檛 go] far when he saw a castle. He saw a handsome woman at a window. The woman called to him to go to a back door. He did that and he went in. The woman took him to a beautiful room.
听听听听听听听 Food was set in front of him. There was a big half-cheese [amongst the food]. It was getting dark. A light was lit. When the soldier sat to take food, the woman picked up the light. She left with it and she left the soldier in darkness. He remembered his hungry friends. He placed the half-cheese in his bag.
听听听听听听听 After a while, the woman returned with the light. 鈥淚t was strange that you took the light away,鈥 said the soldier to her.
听听听听听听听 鈥淪trange is the man who can鈥檛 put food in his mouth without a light,鈥 she replied. She looked up and down for the cheese. Eventually, she found it in his bag. She was displeased. She asked for the soldier to be thrown amongst the big dogs.
听听听听听听听 Next day, the other two soldiers saw the red dog again. One of them followed it. He went to the castle. He saw the attractive woman. The woman called to him to go to a back door. He did that and he went in. The woman took him to a beautiful room. Food was placed in front of him. Amongst the food was a quarter of mutton.
听听听听听听听 When the soldier sat to take his food, the woman took the light away. The soldier remembered his comp-anion. He put the quarter of mutton in his bag. And the story will continue next week.Broadcast
- Mon 24 Oct 2011 19:00大象传媒 Radio nan G脿idheal
All the letters
Tha gach Litir Bheag an seo / All the Little Letters are here.
Podcast: An Litir Bheag
The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners
An Litir Bheag air LearnGaelic
An Litir Bheag is also on LearnGaelic (with PDFs)
An Litir Bheag
Litirichean do luchd-ionnsachaidh ura. Letters in Gaelic for beginners.