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Tha litir bheag na seachdain ag innse dhuinn mar a bha Paddy cam a' goid an t-airgid bho Shandy - an cù a bhiodh a' ceannach tombac dha mhaighstear.

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Mon 16 Mar 2015 19:00


An Litir Bheag 514

Ghoid Padaidh Cam an t-airgead bho Shandaidh, an cù a bha a’ toirt tombaca dhachaigh do dh’Ùisdean. Nuair a ràinig Sandaidh a dhachaigh, dh’fhuasgail Ùisdean an nèapraigear. Bha tombaca agus pìos pàipeir ann. Bha brath ann am peansail bho fhear na bùtha: ‘Ùisdein chòir,’ bha sgrìobhte air, ‘cha robh airgead aig a’ chù. Seo dhut do thombaca ach tha crùn agam ort a-nise.’

            ‘O, a laochain,’ thuirt Ùisdean ri Sandaidh, ‘dè thachair? An do ghoid cuideigin an t-airgead?’ An ath Dhihaoine, chuir Ùisdean crùn anns an nèapraigear timcheall amhaich a’ choin. Dh’iarr e air falbh don bhùth. Bha Padaidh Cam a’ feitheamh ris. Thug e briosgaid don chù agus thug e an t-airgead a-mach. Cheangail e an nèapraigear a-rithist.

            Ràinig Sandaidh bùth an tombaca ann an Inbhir Pheofharain. A-rithist, cha robh airgead aige. An turas seo, chuir fear na bùtha litir gu Ùisdean. ‘Tha mi duilich,’ sgrìobh e, ‘ach chan fhaigh thu tombaca bhuam gus am faigh mi an t-airgead a tha agam ort.’

            Bha Ùisdean fiadhaich. An ath Dhihaoine, choisich e fhèin is Sandaidh a-steach a dh’Inbhir Pheofharain.

            Bha Padaidh Cam a’ feitheamh. Ach chunnaic e Ùisdean agus chùm e am falach. Chan fhaca Ùisdean e.

            Ràinig Ùisdean a’ bhùth. ‘Innsidh mi dhut dè nì sinn,’ thuirt fear na bùtha. ‘Cuir sgrìob bheag air a’ bhonn leth-chrùin far a bheil sròn an rìgh. Ma dh’fheuchas am mèirleach ris am bonn sin a chosg an seo, bidh fios agam gur e a tha ann.’

            ‘Ach dè ma tha e a’ dèanamh stòras?’ thuirt Ùisdean. ‘’S dòcha nach bi e ga chosg airson ùine.’

            ‘A bheil smuain nas fheàrr agad?’ dh’fhaighnich fear na bùtha.

            Cha robh smuain na b’ fheàrr aig Ùisdean. An ath Dhihaoine, chuir e sgrìob air sròn an rìgh. Ma bha a leithid an aghaidh an lagh, bha e coma. Chuir e am bonn anns an nèapraigear.

            Bha Padaidh Cam a’ feitheamh ri Sandaidh. Cha robh sgeul air Ùisdean. Chaidh Padaidh a-mach le briosgaid. Thug e an t-airgead a-mach às an nèapraigear agus cheangail e a-rithist e. Dh’fhalbh an cù don bhùth. Agus innsidh mi dhuibh mar a thàinig an gnothach gu crìch an-ath-sheachdain.

The Little Letter 514

One-eyed Paddy stole the money from Sandy, the dog that was taking tobacco home to Hugh. When Sandy reached his home, Hugh untied the kerchief. There was tobacco and a piece of paper in it. There was a note in pencil from the shopkeeper: ‘Dear Hugh,’ was written on it, ‘the dog had no money. Here is your tobacco but you owe me a crown now.’

        ‘Oh, lad,’ said Hugh to Sandy, ‘what happened? Did somebody steal the money?’ The next Friday, Hugh put a crown in the kerchief around the dog’s neck. He asked him to go to the shop. One-eyed Paddy was waiting for him. He gave the dog a biscuit and he took the money out. He tied the kerchief again.

        Sandy reached the tobacconist in Dingwall. Again, he had no money. This time, the shopkeeper sent a letter to Hugh. ‘I’m sorry,’ he wrote, ‘but you won’t get tobacco from me until I get the money you owe me.’

        Uisdean was angry. The next Friday, he and Sandy walked into Dingwall.

        One-eyed Paddy was waiting. But he saw Hugh and he kept out of sight. Hugh didn’t see him

        Hugh reached the shop. ‘I’ll tell you what we’ll do,’ said the shopkeeper. ‘Put a small scratch on the half-crown coin where the king’s nose is. If the thief tries to spend that coin here, I’ll know it’s him.’

        ‘But what if he is saving them up? said Hugh. ‘Perhaps he won’t spend them for a while.’

        ‘Do you have a better thought?’ said the shopkeeper.

        Hugh didn’t have a better thought. The next Friday, he scratched the king’s nose. If such a thing was against the law, he couldn’t care. He put the coin in the kerchief.

        One-eyed Paddy was waiting for Sandy. There was no sign of Hugh. Paddy went out with a biscuit. He took the money out of the kerchief and he tied it again. The dog went to the shop. And I’ll you how the affair finished next week.


  • Mon 16 Mar 2015 19:00

All the letters

Tha gach Litir Bheag an seo / All the Little Letters are here.

Podcast: An Litir Bheag

The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners

An Litir Bheag air LearnGaelic

An Litir Bheag is also on LearnGaelic (with PDFs)
