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Episode 16 of 52

Tha Sonaidh air cuilean beag a lorg ach ciamar a chleitheas e seo bho Elaina? Sonny has got a little puppy, but how can he hide this from Elaina?

Nuair a tha na caraidean air cuilean beag a lorg, feumar an naidheachd seo a chumail dìomhair bho Elaina oir cha chòrd seo rithe. Cuideachd, tha coltas draghail air Belle. Dè tha ceàrr oirre-se? An e farmad a th’ ann?

When the friends have found a little puppy, they need to keep this news from Elaina as she would not approve. Also, Belle doesn’t look happy. What’s wrong with her? Is she envious?

12 minutes


Role Contributor
Sebastian Ellen Macdonald
Adele Mischa Macpherson
Casper Calum MacKinnon
Angelina Emily Davidson
Giovanni Derek Mackay
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Writer Alec MacDonald


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