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Bhòt 'son Belle

Episode 17 of 52

Tha reifreann a’ tachairt 's tha Sebastian airson 's gun bhòt a h-uile duine le Belle. There’s a referendum taking place and Sebastian wants everyone to vote with Belle.

Chan eil Elaina idir dèidheil air Belle 's tha i ’son coin a bhith toirmisgt’ 'on bhaile. Tha i ag ullachadh reifreann far am bhòt muinntir a’ bhaile le neo an aghaidh Belle, cothrom-inngtrigidh fhaighinn dhan bhaile. Saoil dè thachras?

Elaina isn’t fond of Belle and she wants to ban dogs from the village. She organises a referendum where people have to vote for or against Belle being allowed entry to the village. How will it go?

7 days left to watch

12 minutes


Role Contributor
Sebastian Ellen Macdonald
Adele Mischa Macpherson
Gabriel Iona Davidson
Sonny/Lynette Rachel Ellen Mackay
Giovanni/Andrew Derek Mackay
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Writer Alec MacDonald


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