Cherished trusty recipes and new kitchen creations with Gregor MacLeod and friends. Reasabaidhean grà dhach agus cruthachaidhean ùra bho Ghriogair MacLeòid agus caraidean.
Gregor MacLeod travels the islands gathering delicious recipes and meeting brilliant bakers and cooks. He gets a taste of what they are stirring up in their kitchens as well as getting creative in his own. Gregor finds out what a recipe book can tell us about the past. Visiting the Kinloch Historical Society, he sees a handwritten notebook full of recipes kept by a Ballallan school teacher over 100 years ago.
Inspired by the collection, Gregor takes a note of her recipe for Yorkshire teacakes and tries them out at home.
Getting inventive in the kitchen in Callanish, Gregor shares his recipe for a bright summery vegetable galette with tangy goat’s cheese. And he has the perfect tea party treat - light almond sponges filled with mascarpone and fresh raspberries. He also meets an inventive baker in Inverness who shows him her recipe for meringues with a Moroccan twist.
Tha Griogair MacLeòid a’ siubhal nan eilean a’ tional sà r reasabaidhean agus a’ coinneachadh deagh bhèicearan ‘s còcairean.
A’ tadhal air Comann Eachdraidh Cheann a Loch gheibh e fiosrachadh eachdraidheil bho leabhar reasabaidhean là mh-sgrìobhte le tidsear-sgoile à Baile Ailein ceud bliadhna air ais.
Misnichte leis a’ chruinneachadh bheir Griogair leis dhachaigh reasabaidh son cèicean Siorrachd York airson fheuchainn a-mach.
Na chidsin fhèin chì sinn comasan chruthachail Griogair ‘s e cuir ri chèile galette brèagha dathte le glasraich sà mhrachail is cà ise gobhair. Cuideachd airson teatha-feasgair samhrachail nì e spunnsaichean aotrom almoin lìonte le mascarpone agus subhagan dearga.
Bidh Griogair ann an Inbhirnis far an seall bèicear tà lantach dha mar a tha ise a’ dèanamh mearangan neo-à bhaisteach Morocach.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Gregor Macleod |
- Thu 14 Nov 2024 20:30
- Sun 17 Nov 2024 20:00