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Jack Archer

Helen Archer and Rob Titchener's son.

Fact title Fact data
21 May 2016
Lives at:
Beechwood Estate

From tumultuous beginnings – born whilst his mother, Helen Archer, was in prison for stabbing her husband, Rob Titchener, Jack Archer was a ray of light for The Archer family. Soon after his birth in September 2016, Helen was found not guilty of attempted murder and wounding with intent. Despite Rob’s impressive performance while giving evidence, his wife – whom he'd labelled as deranged – wasn’t sent down.

Rob was set on naming Jack, Gideon Robert Titchener after his maternal grandfather, and himself but Helen held firm and Jack was named Jack Anthony Archer after “the names of three good men. My grandfather, my father, my brother”, she said.

Months later Rob tried to kidnap Jack but was stopped by Helen who rescued him.

Immediate family

  • (Mother)
  • (Brother)
  • (Father, deceased)
  • (Grandmother)
  • (Grandfather)
  • (Uncle)
  • Natasha Archer (Aunt)
  • Seren Archer (Cousin)
  • Nova Archer (Cousin)

Rob kidnaps Jack... and leaves Henry behind

Time for Mummy to have her surprise,' whispered Rob as he took Jack. What will Helen do?