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Bert Horrobin
Widower Bert lives in a busy household
Fact title | Fact data |
Played by: |
Martyn Read
Status: |
Occupation: |
Retired roadworker
Lives at: |
6, The Green
After the death of Bert's long-suffering wife Ivy in 2011, Bert's daughter Susan asked her sister Tracy to move in. Canny Tracy agreed - after the place was spruced up and Bert had made it a joint tenancy.
Bert shares his home with Tracy, her two children Brad and Chelsea and Tracy's husband Jazzer. He usually spends his days in his armchair watching television or drinking a pint at The Bull. However on rare occasions he's been know to branch out, including reluctantly modelling for a fashion show and hosting a secret party whilst his family were away.
What's for tea, Tracy?Bert Horrobin
- Likes -聽A pint
- Dislikes - Housework, any sort of work
- Highs - Marrying Ivy (but that was a long time ago)
- Lows - Where do you start...?
Immediate family
- (Daughter)
- (Son)
- (Son)
- Gary Horrobin (Son)
- Stewart Horrobin (Son)
- (Daughter)