Ainsley Ricketts
From the shy kid to performing on the West End, Ainsley is hoping now is his time to shine as a soloist.
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The 24-year-old grew up in Oxford with his mum, dad and four sisters. He now lives in London working as a full-time dancer and dance teacher.
Ainsley started dancing at his local theatre school at the age of 4 but said he did not enjoy the theatre side of it and soon left. However, one day when his mum got a leaflet through the letter box about a dance school in the local area, he joined but found it hard to settle in.
“My dad had to stay in the carpark during the class, so I could see him out the window. If he wasn’t there I would cry,” says Ainsley. But in time he grew to love it and started to connect with the people.
He went on to train at Dance Connect until he was 16-years-old. Then for three years he trained at The Urdang Academy, two years early.
Since graduating, he has performed in five shows in the West End, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Motown. One of his stand out achievements is dancing with Janet Jackson at the EMA’s.
He also teaches several dance classes at different studios around the UK. Ainsley adds that “Teaching has really helped me with my confidence. I need to command the room and make people enjoy my class.”
Ainsley's other styles of dance includes lyrical, commercial and freestyle.

The Greatest Dancer