Tammy Kirkwood
Challenge: The Splits

Tammy Kirkwood
Ambassador of the Splits challenge for Make Your Move
What age are you?
Where are you from?
I'm originally from Alberta, Canada but moved to the UK 15 years ago after meeting my husband who is in the British Forces. We now live in North Yorkshire.
Who are your family?
I have 4 children ranging from age 14 to 25, two grand-children and one grandchild on the way.
I hope Make Your Move will allow me to...
Challenge myself and to inspire others like me to move and reach there goals. I love seeing people reach their goals!
What is your motivation?
Two years ago I was wearing size 20 clothes. I decided to make some changes to my lifestyle and found running. Since then I've lost weight and inspired others to take up running too. Getting healthier helped me to realise that I want to join the Army Reserves. I know I will have to push myself to get to reach this goal, but I also believe in myself so I know I will do it.
What are your top 3 work out songs?
- by – it makes me feel like I can do anything.
- by – it makes me want to dance (and I have been caught dancing when I'm out running to this song!)
- by - it reminds me of home.
Give us 3 words to describe how you feel about your Splits challenge?
Excited. Nervous. Amazed (if I can do it!)
Keep up with Tammy and how she is getting on with her challenge at #MakeYourMove on , and .
Never say never! A daily routine that will help you perfect the scissor splits (finally).

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