Manchester, Speed Stacking Challenge
Update - See how the guys got on in week 2 of their challenge

Loudkidz update
Keep up to date with the Loudkidz Make Your Move Speed Stacking challenge.

Manchester, Speed Stacking challenge
What’s your name and where are you from?
I’m Benjamin James the rapper from LoudKidz and I’m from Preston. Unless you mean where are you “from from”, in which case half of me is from Jamaica and half is from sunny Kirkham in Lancashire. Haha.
Hi I’m Chez Davis from LoudKidz. I’m from Stalybridge on the outskirts of Manchester.
Hi I’m Jamie, and I come from Manchester!
I hope that Make your move will allow me…
Ben – become an expert cup stacker! I want to be the guy from the demonstration on the website. He’s sharp.
Chez – accomplish some different challenges that I would never have thought about doing before ... I might learn a new party trick haha 😂
Jamie – I hope that Make Your Move will allow me to get more active again and have fun while doing it! I’m hoping to have lots of fun, but really get something beneficial from it!
My top 3 workout songs are...
- Beartooth – Aggressive.
- Hell yeah – X.
- Killswitch engage - Hate by design.
The boys are probably sick of hearing me talk about it, but I've recently discovered heavy metal in the gym. These 3 are pretty heavy but they really help give me that extra something. These artists are in real pain, it pushes me to think that the temporary pain I'm in can be overcome. Deeeeppp! Haha.
You see when I work out I'm not a "headphones guy"... I normally just hear what's on the juke box in the gym, I focus better this way ☺.
- Underoath- Reinventing your exit - because it makes me just want to keep running!
- Ganzfeld Effect – Loving – just gives me energy.
- Any trance mixes – fast uplifting trance really gets me motivated.
My motivational mantra is...
Ben – In the gym it's usually, DO YOU WANT TO END UP IN THE FRIEND ZONE?! Haha. No, but on a serious note, I focus on the future. Instead of working towards the future me, I decide I am already the future me, then the actions just fall in to place. Once I think like this, I know whatever the challenge is I will be able to succeed.
Chez – I just think about the end product & goals. I know I can achieve so that keeps me going!!! I also have a little saying that's tattoo'd on me from the movie HOOK, "Think Happy Thoughts" ☺ I'm a bit of a Disney nerd 😂
Jamie – Never give up : )
What challenge would you like to try next?
Ben – Honestly, I think I'm going to try some of the walking challenges. Walking is often done as an means to get to a place but not appreciated as an activity! Plus there's some nice hills where we are in Stalybridge, so I might just go for a ramble!
Chez – So we've tried handstand and cup stacking so far ... I'm quite limited at the moment because I'm in plaster cast on my leg , So I guess I'll have to focus on something upper body wise ☺
Jamie – The hula challenge! Ha ha, I want to move my hips.
You'll never look at a table full of empty cups again after you give this challenge a go!

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