Ryan Jenkins
Contemporary dancer and fashion conscious Ryan likes to have his own style and not follow the latest trends. He currently helps out at fashion shows which he thinks of as another creative output.
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Isle of Wight
锘縍yan uses dance to release his emotions having lost both his mother and brother to cancer. He cites his strengths as his "artistry and emotion that he puts into every performance".
Ryan trained at Bird College and straight after was cast in Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake. He went on to be a swing in Grease and was later invited back to be dance captain. He has also worked on the film adaptation of Phantom of the Opera, as a ribbon dancer in Wicked and as Rudy in Cabaret.
As well as dancing, Ryan teaches at Stella Mann and has just finished choreographing a show entitled Discotivity.
Ryan initially entered the competition for exposure, but he has now learnt that the show is going to help him be a stronger person and after everything that's happened, dreams and good things still happen.
Having been taunted at school for having a "flat nose", Ryan has had surgery twice and says "nothing this pretty could be real!"
Ryan's Progress
Showcase Special: Ryan took part in the group opening dance, the Boys' dance and a Contemporary dance with Alice and Kirsty.
Round 1: Ryan did a Commercial routine with Stephanie.
Ryan and Stephanie had to dance for their lives.
Nigel said it was a unanimous decision - Ryan went home.